
New Releases: 11/1/16

Here’s what went on sale today!

Christmas Magic by David G. Hartwell

Christmas Magic by David G. HartwellWonders abound at Christmas, and never more so than in this delightful collection of holiday stories by some of today’s most gifted writers of fantasy and science-fiction. In this volume, Harlan Ellison, Alan Dean Foster, Kit Reed, Howard Waldrop, Donald Westlake, and many other science fiction and fantasy stars present their unique visions of Christmas.

Illicit by Cathy Clamp

Illicit by Cathy ClampIn Cathy Clamp’s Illicit, when a border dispute between two bear clans destabilizes shapeshifter relations throughout Europe and threatens to reveal their existence to humans, the Sazi High Council orders both sides to the negotiation table. The peace talks take place in Luna Lake, the American community where all shifter species–wolf, cat, bird, bear, and more–live in harmony.

Invisible Planets by Ken Liu

Invisible Planets by Ken LiuAward-winning translator and author Ken Liu presents a collection of short speculative fiction from China. Some stories have won awards (including Hao Jingfang’s Hugo-winning novella, Folding Beijing); some have been included in various ‘Year’s Best’ anthologies; some have been well reviewed by critics and readers; and some are simply Ken’s personal favorites.

Say No More by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Say No More by Hank Phillippi RyanWhen Boston reporter Jane Ryland reports a hit and run, she soon learns she saw more than a car crash—she witnessed the collapse of an alibi. Working on an expose of sexual assaults on college campuses for the station’s new documentary unit, Jane’s just convinced a date rape victim to reveal her heartbreaking experience on camera. However, a disturbing anonymous message—SAY NO MORE—has Jane really and truly scared.

Seriously Shifted by Tina Connolly

Seriously Shifted by Tina ConnollyTeenage witch Cam isn’t crazy about the idea of learning magic. She’d rather be no witch than a bad one. But when a trio of her mother’s wicked witch friends decide to wreak havoc in her high school, Cam has no choice but to try to stop them.

Now Cam’s learning invisibility spells, dodging exploding cars, and pondering the ethics of love potions. All while trying to keep her grades up and go on a first date with her crush. If the witches don’t get him first, that is.

Wrath of Betty by Steven Erikson

Wrath of Betty by Steven EriksonThe continuing adventures of the starship A.S.F. Willful Child. Its ongoing mission: to seek out strange new worlds on which to plant the Terran flag, to subjugate and if necessary obliterate new life-forms, to boldly blow the…

And so we join the not-terribly-bright but exceedingly cock-sure Captain Hadrian Sawback and his motley crew on board the Starship Willful Child.


The Burning Light by Bradley P. Beaulieu and Rob Ziegler

The Burning Light by Bradley P. Beaulieu and Rob ZieglerDisgraced government operative Colonel Chu is exiled to the flooded relic of New York City. Something called the Light has hit the streets like an epidemic, leavings its users strung out and disconnected from the mind-network humanity relies on. Chu has lost everything she cares about to the Light. She’ll end the threat or die trying.

The Lost Child of Lychford by Paul Cornell

The Lost Child of Lychford by Paul CornellIt’s December in the English village of Lychford – the first Christmas since an evil conglomerate tried to force open the borders between our world and… another.

Which means it’s Lizzie’s first Christmas as Reverend of St. Martin’s. Which means more stress, more expectation, more scrutiny by the congregation. Which means… well, business as usual, really.


Collision by William S. Cohen

The Good Old Boys and The Smiling Country by Elmer Kelton

Killers by Howie Carr

Pillar to the Sky by William R. Forstchen

Seriously Wicked by Tina Connolly

The Severed Streets by Paul Cornell

Warheart by Terry Goodkind


Hour of the Zombie Vol. 3 by Tsukasa Saimura

My Girlfriend is a T-Rex Vol. 1 Story and art by Sanzo


Paperback Spotlight: Collision by William S. Cohen

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Collision by William S. Cohen

Former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen provides a Washington insider point of view in Collision, a gripping political thriller about the dangers of mining an asteroid.

Two gunmen open fire at an elite Washington law firm. One flees the scene with the laptop computer he and his partner have come to steal. The other plummets ten stories to his death, pushed by Sean Falcone, former National Security Advisor to the president of the United States.

When the firm’s managing partner learns of the laptop’s disappearance, he orders Falcone to quietly investigate. If word gets out that a computer containing confidential client information is missing, the firm could lose clients, staff, even partners. However, the future of the firm isn’t the only thing at stake. The stolen laptop contains vital information concerning an American billionaire, his secret Russian partner, and their attempt to mine an asteroid. This is a dangerous endeavor; even the slightest change in orbit might put the asteroid on a collision course with Earth. NASA and the White House are plunged into a race to prevent the destruction of all humankind.

The paperback edition of Collision will become available November 1st. Please enjoy this excerpt.


Cole Perenchio pulled the blue-and-white gym bag from under the seat and stood, tilting his head to avoid the overhead bin. He was six foot seven and as slim at age fifty-six as he had been when, for three years, he was top scorer for the MIT Engineers. He ducked again as he left the Delta aircraft and entered the walkway tube to Reagan National Airport. His only luggage was his gym bag carry-on, so he went directly to the taxi pickup line. When his turn came, he told the driver, “Roaches Run.”

The driver turned and spoke through a thick plastic shield: “You kiddin’ me, bro? You want Roaches Run? You can just damn well walk. And I’ll get me another fare that’s really goin’ somewhere.”

“How much would it cost me to go to Capitol Hill?” Perenchio asked in a weary voice.

“Twelve bucks plus tip,” the driver said.

Perenchio reached into a pocket of his blue windbreaker and took out a piece of paper torn from a small notebook, along with a roll of bills. He peeled off a ten and a five, which he handed to the driver through a compartment in the shield. “Now take me to Roaches Run,” he said.

The taxi pulled out of the airport exit and onto the northbound lane of the George Washington Parkway, went about half a mile, and then turned onto a causeway leading to a slice of land jutting along the shore of the Potomac River. Across the dark strip of water Perenchio could see the Washington Monument rising into the night sky.

“Okay, mister. Here’s Roaches Run,” the driver said. “You just want to get out here?

“See that Lincoln over there?” Perenchio answered. “Go over there, and please put on the overhead light.” He held the piece of paper up to the light. “Turn there. I want to see the license plate.”

The taxi turned slowly toward the grid of a parking lot in which there were five scattered cars, all of them long, black town cars that shone brightly in the taxi’s lights. The driver stopped behind a Lincoln. Perenchio leaned forward to check the District of Columbia license plate.

“Thanks,” Perenchio said, getting out of the taxi. He leaned his head toward the driver’s half-opened window. “Now go over a couple of rows and wait for me. I’ll be back in, at most, fifteen minutes. Then I want you to take me to my hotel. I’ll give you the name when I come back.”

As he approached the Lincoln, he heard the door locks click. He opened the rear right door and the interior dimly lighted up. A man seated on the left awkwardly held out his right hand as Perenchio folded himself into the rear seat and the light went out. Seated, Perenchio reached across, his hand engulfing the other man’s.

“Sorry the flight was late,” he said.

“No problem. That’s the point of Roaches Run,” the other man said, his face emerging from the shadow. “I give Leo here”—he nodded toward the driver—“the flight number. He keeps track of the flight, and, when he figures that it’s twenty minutes away, he calls me, pulls up in front of my house in Alexandria, picks me up and drives here. It’s like a holding area for cars on call, town cars, under contract with firms like mine. You said you wanted privacy. So I suggested that we meet here instead of picking you up at the terminal.”

“I remember this place from when I was a kid and my father was stationed at the Pentagon,” Perenchio said, his tense face suddenly breaking into a smile. “He’d take my brother and me here, usually on Sunday, and we’d watch the planes zoom in and out of National—not called Reagan then. They were close! It was like you could stand on a picnic table and touch ’em. But, you know, Hal, I didn’t know the name of this place until I got your message. Roaches Run. Funny name.”

“It’s a fish, the roach. People fish for them here in the little bay,” Harold Davidson said.

“Thanks, Hal,” Perenchio said, smiling. “You have always known things like that.”

“Well, here we are,” Davidson said, ignoring the remark. He had a round, smooth face that merged into a bald head. His dark skin was slightly darker than that of Perenchio, who had a Creole father and African American mother.

“I thought we could drive to my house, have a drink, something to eat—I hope you’re still big on pulled pork. And we—”

“All I want, Hal, is a chance to talk with no one around. Right now,” Perenchio said. “We’re sealed off from the driver, right?”

Davidson pressed a button on the console near his door handle, and the light went on again. He pointed to another button, and a small red light flashed on and off next to the word DRIVER.

“Standard practice. He can’t hear me until I press that button. These cars all have them,” Davidson said in an instructional tone that Perenchio remembered from their college years. “Look, you’re my client. Everything is between you and me. We have a client-lawyer relationship. So, if you don’t want to talk somewhere else, just start talking here. Now, what’s on your mind? All you told me on the phone was that you had something you couldn’t tell me over the phone. Now you can’t tell me face-to-face.” Davidson grinned and leaned toward Perenchio.

Perenchio reached into the gym bag and took out a black carrying case. He opened the case to show Davidson a Dell laptop, then zipped the case closed. “Keep this,” he said. “It’s all in that. You’re in some kind of trouble at the law firm.”

“How do you know that?”

“It’s in here.”

Davidson reached down for his suitcase-size briefcase, opened its hinged maw, and tried to slip in the laptop case. But it stuck out, its black shoulder strap hanging down the side of the briefcase. “How come you didn’t use a thumb drive?” Davidson asked. “Lot easier to carry.”

“You always have better ideas, Hal,” Perenchio said, a touch of anger in his voice. “I need to give you the laptop, the whole laptop. That’s it, okay?”

“Okay, okay,” Davidson said, still fussing with the briefcase.

“All I can tell you is that what’s in the laptop is very, very important. I mean, White House important,” Perenchio said, lowering his voice. “I want a meeting with someone from the White House who can guarantee me immunity and get me into the federal witness program.”

“I need more information than that, Cole. What the hell is this all about?”

“I can’t tell you. All I can say is it’s about something that could kill us all.”

“Look, Cole. I trust you, trust your scientific mind. But tell me something.

“I will call you at your office tomorrow. Have the laptop open in front of you. I’ll tell you how to activate and decrypt the information. Then you’ll see. It’s all there. Set up a meeting between now and Friday. At the White House.”

“Hold it, Cole,” Davidson said, his voice suddenly turning stern. “I will not be in my office tomorrow. I’ll be in New York all day. A meeting with a client that I cannot break.” He took his cell phone out of his pocket and looked at his calendar. “It’s got to be the next day, Wednesday. Ten thirty a.m.”

“Damn it, Hal. Don’t treat me like one of your clients. There’s no time to lose. And what am I supposed to do all day?”

“Walk around. It’s a great city. Maybe see Ben Taylor,” Davidson said.

“I don’t have time. Now I’ve got another day to kill. Yeah, kill. Funny saying that. I’m afraid to walk around. Really afraid, Hal.”

Davidson reached out to pat Perenchio’s shoulder. “Relax, Cole. Try to relax.”

“Relax?” Perenchio asked with a bitter laugh. “Yeah, maybe I’ll have time to write my will.” As he opened the door he added, “See you Wednesday. And don’t let that laptop out of your sight.”

Perenchio got out of the car, walked to the taxi, and got in. The taxi recrossed the causeway and returned to the parkway, heading toward Washington. Davidson’s black car followed.

So did another black car. Seated behind the driver were two men. One of them opened a cell phone, brought up a number, spoke briefly, and pocketed the phone.

Copyright © 2015 by William S. Cohen

Buy Collision here:

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On the Road: Tor/Forge Author Events in July

Time Salvager by Wesley ChuThe Unnoticeables by Robert BrockwayThe Suspicion at Sanditon by Carrie Bebris

Tor/Forge authors are on the road in July! Once a month, we’re collecting info about all of our upcoming author events. Check and see who’ll be coming to a city near you:

Carrie Bebris, The Suspicion at Sanditon

Friday, July 24
Books & Co.
Dayton, OH
7:00 PM

Saturday, July 25
Ohio State Barnes & Noble
Columbus, OH
2:00 PM

Tuesday, July 28
Joseph-Beth Books
Cincinnati, OH
7:00 PM

Thursday, July 30
The Booksellers at Laurelwood
Memphis, TN
6:30 PM

Alex Bledsoe, Long Black Curl

Friday, July 10
Arcadia Books
Spring Green, WI
6:30 PM

Saturday, July 18
Parnassus Books
Nashville, TN
2:00 PM

Sunday, July 19
Eagle Eye Bookshop
Decatur, GA
3:00 PM

Robert Brockway, The Unnoticeables

Thursday, July 16
Mysterious Galaxy
San Diego, CA
7:30 PM

Friday, July 17
University Bookstore
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM

Saturday, July 18
Copperfield’s Books
Petaluma, CA
7:00 PM

Sunday, July 19
Borderlands Books
San Francisco, CA
3:00 PM

Wednesday, July 22
Powell’s City of Books
Portland, OR
7:30 PM

Wesley Chu, Time Salvager

Tuesday, July 7
The Last Bookstore
Los Angeles, CA
7:00 PM

Sunday, July 12
Mysterious Galaxy
Also with Carrie Patel and Scott Sigler
San Diego, CA
2:00 PM

Wednesday, July 15
Elliott Bay Book Company
With Ramez Naam
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM

Thursday, July 16
Powell’s at Cedar Hills Crossing
Beaverton, OR
7:00 PM

Saturday, July 18
Borderlands Books
San Francisco, CA
3:00 PM

Sunday, July 19
Uncle Hugo’s
Minneapolis, MN
3:00 PM

Monday, July 20
A Room of One’s Own
Madison, WI
7:00 PM

Tuesday, July 21
Boswell Book Company
Milwaukee, WI
7:00 PM

Thursday, July 23
Schuler Books and Music
Lansing Charter Township, MI
7:00 PM

Friday, July 24
Book People
Austin, TX
7:00 PM

William S. Cohen, Collision

Wednesday, July 1
South Portland, ME
7:00 PM

Thursday, July 2
Politics and Prose
Washington, D.C.
7:00 PM

Carolyn Ives Gilman, Dark Orbit

Wednesday, July 15
Barnes & Noble
Washington, D.C.
6:00 PM

Saturday, July 18
Fountain Bookstore
Richmond, VA
2:00 PM

Max Gladstone, Last First Snow

Tuesday, July 28
Oxford University Press Book Club in Bryant Park
New York, NY
12:00 PM

Neal Griffin, Benefit of the Doubt

Sunday, July 26
Carlsbad City Library
Carlsbad, CA
7:00 PM

Kristen Simmons, The Glass Arrow

Thursday, July 23
Sundance Books and Music
Reno, NV
6:30 PM

Anne A. Wilson, Hover

Saturday, July 25
Payson Book Festival
Gila Community College
Payson, AZ
9:00 AM

Also, don’t miss the Big Summer Road Trip Tour! To celebrate the 2015 releases from some of our Northeastern authors, Tor Books is excited to send Elizabeth Bear (Karen Memory), James Cambias (Corsair), Max Gladstone (Last First Snow), and Brian Staveley (The Providence of Fire) on tour in the New England region. Check out the dates and locations.


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