Read an excerpt of The Architect of Aeons, the epic finale to the Count to a Trillion trilogy from John C. Wright, publishing April 21.
A.D. 11049
Part 1. Ghost Ship
The Earth was gone.
“Damnification and pestilential pustules. You’d better be dead wrong on your dead reckoning, Blackie.”
The nigh-to-lightspeed starship Emancipation hung in space in the spot where Tellus, the home of man, was in theory supposed to be. Sol hovered to one side, an endless roar of radio white noise and high-energy particles.
“Restrain your ire, my dear smelly Cowhand. With the navigation beacons wiped out, our precise position is hard to determine. But the sun is at the correct size and distance, and the other planets also. This is where Earth should be.”