Fans have fallen in love with the characters of Sherrilyn Kenyon again and again, and dedicated Kenyon fans have long waited for news regarding two favorites among favorites: Savitar and Jaden.
With Shadow Fallen recently landing in stores, there’s no better time for an update on these two characters.
From Sherrilyn to you, check it out!
By Sherrilyn Kenyon
For over twenty years now, the number one question I’ve been asked regarding the DH series has been: When is Savitar’s/Jaden’s book coming?
Believe it or not . . . we’re almost there!
When I first started writing the Dream-Hunters as a part of the Hunter Legends (Dark-Hunter, Were-Hunter, etc.) series back in the 1980s, I had no idea just how popular either series would become. I never dreamed as a teen that both the Dark-Hunters and Dream-Hunters would become #1 New York Times bestsellers (or that it would take decades of struggling over gargantuan obstacles to get them there). Ironically, the Dream-Hunters hit #1 before the Dark-Hunters did.
Life seldom turns out the way we think it will, right?
And just like we had the two books that led us into the much-anticipated Acheron (Devil May Cry and The Dream-Hunter), Shadow Fallen is the first of the two books that will lead us into Jaden (Shadow Fallen and Queen of All Shadows).
While each book will stand on its own, it’s also a road map that will build on each other to give backstory and characters that are a vital part of Jaden’s history. Each giving a fuller understanding of the immortal who’s captured so many hearts.
History that is also important to Savitar whose book will come out after Jaden’s (Shadows Within). While both characters have appeared in so many books, there is still so much about them that hasn’t been told.
So much that is yet unknown. With Shadow Fallen, we delve more into the Nether Realm and those creatures that are vital parts of Queen of All Shadows. Readers who have been paying attention to the last few books and in particular Stygian and the character Shadow will remember that our shadows are a lot more than what we think they are.
They’re our duplicates. That dark place where we bury the more sinister parts of our nature and hide them away. But they are also very dangerous because our shadow twins can overtake us and become us. It’s why the place Shadow and Lombrey call home is just so scary and dangerous. And so important to understanding Jaden and what he’s been forced to fight for centuries.
Why he became the demon broker that he is.
How he fathered the children we also know and love.
So many questions to be answered! Finally.
But have no fear, these won’t be the last of the series. There are still many other characters left with stories to be told. Remi. Shadow. Simi. Thorn. Jared. Caleb. Apollymi . . .
And I haven’t forgotten Nick. I fully intend to return to his series and finish the last four within the next two years! Please bear with me as I finally get caught up on my writing.
It’s still taking a bit to get all the kinks out, but things are settling down and soon the engine will be back where it was and purring right along. Thank you, everyone for sticking with me. I’ve always said that I have the greatest fans in all the world! And I really do!
Purchase Shadow Fallen Here: