Tor/Forge authors are on the road in September! Once a month, we’re collecting info about all of our upcoming author events. Check and see who’ll be coming to a city near you:
W. Bruce Cameron, The Dog Master
Sunday, September 6
AJC Decatur Book Festival
Decatur, GA
2:30 PM
Monday, September 21—Tuesday, September 22
McLean & Eakin Booksellers
Booktopia 2015
Petoskey, MI
William S. Kirby, Vienna
Thursday, September 3
Tattered Cover
Denver, CO
7:00 PM
Tuesday, September 8
Boulder Bookstore
Boulder, CO
7:30 PM
Wednesday, September 9
Poisoned Pen
Scottsdale, AZ
7:00 PM
Thursday, September 10
Murder by the Book
Houston, TX
6:30 PM
Friday, September 11
Auntie’s Bookstore
Spokane, WA
7:00 PM
Sunday, September 13
Mysterious Galaxy
Also with Reed Farrel Coleman
San Diego, CA
2:00 PM
Jane Lindskold, Artemis Invaded
Saturday, September 5
National Book Festival
Washington, D.C.
11:50 PM Presentation
1:00 PM Signing
Saturday, September 12
NMSU Bookstore
Also with Victor Milán and Melinda Snodgrass
Las Cruces, NM
1:00 PM
Tuesday, September 22
Sip Coffee & Beer House
Books provided by Poisoned Pen
Also with Victor Milán and Melinda Snodgrass
Scottsdale, AZ
7:00 PM
Ian McDonald, Luna: New Moon
Thursday, September 24
The Last Bookstore
Also with Melinda Snodgrass
Los Angeles, CA
7:00 PM
Saturday, September 26
Borderlands Books
San Francisco, CA
3:00 PM
Monday, September 28
Powell’s Books
Beaverton, OR
7:00 PM
Victor Milán, The Dinosaur Lords
Saturday, September 12
NMSU Bookstore
Also with Jane Lindskold and Melinda Snodgrass
Las Cruces, NM
1:00 PM
Tuesday, September 22
Sip Coffee & Beer House
Books provided by Poisoned Pen
Also with Jane Lindskold and Melinda Snodgrass
Scottsdale, AZ
7:00 PM
John Scalzi, The End of All Things
Tuesday, September 1
Books and Company
Beavercreek, OH
7:00 PM
Thursday, September 3
Barnes & Noble at Ohio State
Columbus, OH
7:00 PM
Melinda Snodgrass, The Edge of Dawn
Saturday, September 12
NMSU Bookstore
Also with Victor Milán and Jane Lindskold
Las Cruces, NM
1:00 PM
Tuesday, September 22
Sip Coffee & Beer House
Books provided by Poisoned Pen
Also with Victor Milán and Jane Lindskold
Scottsdale, AZ
7:00 PM
Thursday, September 24
The Last Bookstore
Also with Ian McDonald
Los Angeles, CA
7:00 PM
Michael Swanwick, Chasing the Phoenix
Wednesday, September 9
The Future of Philly Sci-Fi and Fantasy at the Free Library of Philadelphia
Presented by Geekadelphia
Also with Gregory Frost, Stephanie Feldman, Fran Wilde, and Siobhan Carroll, moderated by Jon McGoran
Philadelphia, PA
7:00 PM
Monday, September 21
Penn Bookstore
Philadelphia, PA
6:00 PM
Greg van Eekhout, Dragon Coast
Tuesday, September 15
Borderlands Books
Also with Seanan McGuire and Fran Wilde
San Francisco, CA
5:00 PM
Saturday, September 19
Mysterious Galaxy
Also with Adam Rakunas and Fran Wilde
San Diego, CA
2:00 PM
Fran Wilde, Updraft
Tuesday, September 1
Barnes & Noble
Philadelphia, PA
7:00 PM
Wednesday, September 2
The Doylestown Bookshop
In conversation with Chuck Wendig
Doylestown, PA
6:30 PM
Sunday, September 6
AJC Decatur Book Festival
New Fantasy Fiction with Cindy Dees, moderated by Justin Colussy-Estes
Decatur, GA
3:45 PM
Wednesday, September 9
The Future of Philly Sci-Fi and Fantasy at the Free Library of Philadelphia
Presented by Geekadelphia
Also with Gregory Frost, Stephanie Feldman, Michael Swanwick, and Siobhan Carroll, moderated by Jon McGoran
Philadelphia, PA
7:00 PM
Saturday, September 12
Writers with Drinks
The Elbo Room
Also with Eli Horowitz, Ruth Galm, Bucky Sinister, Maisha Z. Johnson, and Debbie Yee
San Francisco, CA
7:00 PM
Tuesday, September 15
Borderlands Books
Also with Seanan McGuire and Greg van Eekhout
San Francisco, CA
5:00 PM
Saturday, September 19
Mysterious Galaxy
Also with Adam Rakunas and Greg van Eekhout
San Diego, CA
2:00 PM
Monday, September 21
University Bookstore
Seattle, WA
7:00 PM
Thursday, September 24
The Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
12:00 PM
September 26—27
Baltimore Book Festival
Baltimore, MD
Monday, September 28
Main Point Books
Also with Gregory Frost
Bryn Mawr, PA
7:00 PM
Anne A. Wilson, Hover
Tuesday, September 1
Barnes & Noble
Scottsdale, AZ
7:00 PM