
$2.99 eBook Sale: Do No Harm by Max Allan Collins

The ebook edition of  Do No Harm by Max Allan Collins is on sale now for only $2.99!

Poster Placeholder of - 69About Do No Harm:

It’s 1954 and Heller takes on the Sam Sheppard case—a young doctor is startled from sleep and discovers his wife brutally murdered. He claims that a mysterious intruder killed his wife. But all the evidence points to a disturbed husband who has grown tired of married life and yearned to be free at all costs. Sheppard is swiftly convicted and sent to rot in prison.

Just how firm was the evidence…and was it tampered with to fit a convenient narrative to settle scores and push political agendas? Nathan’s old friend Elliot Ness calls in a favor and as Nathan digs into the case he becomes convinced of Sheppard’s innocence. But Nate can’t prove it and has to let the case drop.

The road to justice is sometimes a long one. Heller’s given another chance years later and this time he’s determined to free the man…even if it brings his own death a bit closer.

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This sale ends 9/30/2020 at 11:59 pm.


The Most Famous Court Cases of the 1950s

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By Alison Bunis

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In Max Allan Collins’ latest novel, P.I. Nathan Heller takes on the case of Dr. Sam Sheppard, who has been accused of brutally killing his wife Marilyn. If that sounds familiar, there’s a good reason: the Sheppard case was hugely famous in the 1950s. It changed the way we thought about media influence on trials, and it was part of the inspiration for the hit TV show The Fugitive (later remade into the stellar 1993 movie starring Harrison Ford). Marilyn Sheppard’s murder remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the modern era, and we can’t wait for you to dig into Max Allan Collins’ spin on it when Do No Harm hits shelves on March 10th. But if you can’t wait until then to learn more, here’s a quick look back at the Sheppard case, as well as two other trials that defined the decade.

Who Killed Marilyn?: The Sam Sheppard Trial

When Marilyn Sheppard was brutally murdered in her bedroom July of 1954, investigators immediately zeroed in on her husband Sam as their main suspect. In a trial surrounded by relentless news coverage portraying Sam as a heartless killer, the jury swiftly convicted Sam of murder. Sam and his lawyer worked to have the conviction overturned, arguing that prejudicial publicity before and during the trial had violated Sam’s rights to due process. After having his conviction overturned by one court, then reinstated by another, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Sam, officially setting him free. Just months later, Sam was retried for Marilyn’s murder, and the new jury found him not guilty. No conclusive evidence was ever really discovered in this case, and while many believe the killer was never discovered, many others believe the only possible murderer was Sam.

The Fight Against Segregation: Brown v. Board of Education:

This famous Supreme Court case from 1954 declared that segregating schools by race was inherently unequal. Though the ruling only applied to schools, it laid the groundwork for the battle to make racial segregation illegal in all walks of life.

Before making it to the Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education started off as many smaller cases across the country. Black students and their parents testified to the shockingly poor conditions of blacks-only schools, and trained psychologists testified that segregation in schools “is inevitably interpreted by both white people and Negroes as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group,” leading to an “internalized sense of inferiority” among black students who felt that their efforts to succeed were “doomed to failure.” As one professor from Ohio State put it, “there is a tendency for us to live up to―or perhaps I should say down to―social expectations and to learn what people say we can learn.”

Despite this and other moving testimony, the local cases did not rule in favor of ending school segregation. The NAACP appealed these decisions, and eventually these cases made their way in front of the Supreme Court. Despite internal politics, the Supreme Court issued unanimous ruling on May 17th 1954 declaring that “in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place.”

Soviet Spies: The Rosenberg Trial

The trial of married couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage took place during the height of McCarthyism. Julius was a longtime supporter of Communism, and the evidence that he’d been spying for the Soviet Union was irrefutable, ranging from eyewitnesses to notes to a Jell-O box that had been cut in half to use as a recognition signal. Evidence against Ethel was limited to testimony from her brother’s wife. Both Rosenberg’s were convicted in 1951, and executed in 1953 after two years of failed appeals. Though even more evidence emerged in the following years that confirmed Julius’s guilt, it came out in 2001 that the testimony against Ethel was false, and that the sister-in-law had only testified against Ethel after significant pressure from the prosecution.

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Excerpt: Do No Harm by Max Allan Collins

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Do No Harm is the latest mystery in the Nathan Heller series by New York Times bestselling author Max Allan Collins.

It’s 1954 and Heller takes on the Sam Sheppard case—a young doctor is startled from sleep and discovers his wife brutally murdered. He claims that a mysterious intruder killed his wife. But all the evidence points to a disturbed husband who has grown tired of married life and yearned to be free at all costs. Sheppard is swiftly convicted and sent to rot in prison.

Just how firm was the evidence…and was it tampered with to fit a convenient narrative to settle scores and push political agendas? Nathan’s old friend Elliot Ness calls in a favor and as Nathan digs into the case he becomes convinced of Sheppard’s innocence. But Nate can’t prove it and has to let the case drop.

The road to justice is sometimes a long one. Heller’s given another chance years later and this time he’s determined to free the man…even if it brings his own death a bit closer.

Do No Harm will be available on March 10, 2020. Please enjoy the following excerpt.

Richard Kimble has been tried and convicted for the murder of his wife. But laws are made by men, carried out by men, and men are imperfect.
Roy Huggins, The Fugitive TV series

Our justice system is human and therefore it is apt to err.
Erle Stanley Gardner

Although this case was about a 1954 murder, those involved were real people with real hopes, dreams, and emotions…
Jack P. DeSario and William D. Mason

Be careful, then, and be gentle about death
For it is hard to die. It is difficult to go through
the door, even when it opens.
D. H. Lawrence

Chapter 1 

Like a police car’s siren, the shriek penetrated his slumber.

Startled from a deep sleep, but still groggy with it, Dr. Sam Sheppard pushed up on his elbows as the siren became a scream, a woman’s scream, Marilyn’s scream, from their bedroom above.

Then: “Sam! Sam!”

He clambered from the daybed, positioned against the stairway wall, and started quickly up. The last he knew, he and his wife had been entertaining another couple, good enough friends to understand that after twelve tough hours at the hospital, he might crap out on the couch like this, no harm done. So the house was dark, company had gone home, with Marilyn off to bed.

Nothing unusual about any of it.

Even the cries from above, however concerning, did not alarm him. Marilyn, four months pregnant, might have been having convulsions, as when she carried their son Chip. The boy right now was in the bedroom beyond theirs, a sound sleeper like his dad.

These thoughts flashed through his mind in a few seconds.

But as the screams continued, and his thoughts came into focus, he knew something much worse than convulsions was wrong. He took the several steps to the landing, then at the top of the stairs, which rose vertically to meet the horizontal hallway, he found the door to their bedroom open. The screaming had stopped now, replaced by a raspy gurgling, and a figure in the darkness—a night-light from behind Sam providing scant illumination—was hovering over Marilyn, who was on her back. The figure was flailing, but then moved across his vision, in a blur of almost glowing white.

A T-shirt?

Sam rushed inside the bedroom to help his wife, who was moaning now, but first there was an intruder to deal with. He grabbed at the formless figure with its white torso, grappled with it in a fashion Sam hadn’t experienced since high school wrestling days. The grunting of their struggle joined the bubbling groans from the bed, when something struck him from behind.

Struck him hard.

The world went red, then black, as Sam fell to the floor.

When he awoke, he had no idea how long he’d been unconscious—a minute? An hour?

Feeling punch-drunk, he was on his stomach at the foot of the bed, his feet out the door and in the hallway. His dazed condition eased while the throbbing pain at the back of his neck—had that been a judo chop?—did not, and he pushed himself up, noticing his open wallet flung nearby, his badge (he was the local police physician) catching the dim light and winking at him. Absentmindedly, he stuffed the wallet in his pocket and he got shakily to his feet.

Even in the near darkness, he could see Marilyn, on her back, in her diamond-pattern pajamas, almost floating in blood, a damp veil of it covering her face, its coppery smell all pervasive. He checked her neck for a pulse that wasn’t there. Just enough illumination came from the night-light across the hall to reveal the unsettling shimmer of blood splashed on the walls.

He backed away from the horror and hurried to the room next door, Chip’s room, finding him deep asleep. Before he could even feel a sense of relief that his son had been spared, from violence, from the screams of his mother, the boy slumbering and blessedly unaware of their loss, Sam heard movement downstairs.

Lithely muscular, a thirty-year-old six-footer, Sam—in the T-shirt, slacks and moccasin-style slippers he’d sacked out in—ran down the stairs. In the darkness but silhouetted against the windows onto the lake, no glow of white now, was a nonetheless discernible form, a dark human form that must have heard him coming, because it, he, moved quickly across the living room and to and through the door onto the screened-in porch, facing the lake.

Sam followed the dark figure outside, through the screen door and across the narrow backyard, then down the thirty-six steps to the bathhouse on its platform eight feet above the lakeshore. As before, this was just a silhouette, but a silhouette of what appeared to be a man, a big man with a good-sized head and bushy hair.

Rattling down the remaining few steps, Sam caught up with him, and tackled him to the sand. Waves were hitting the shore as violently as the struggle on the strip of foamy beach rolling in nearby. Again, Sam found himself wrestling with an attacker, but when strong fingers gripped his throat and squeezed and squeezed, unconsciousness took him a second time.

When he awoke, he was belly-down on the beach, his feet and legs in the water, where the waves kept churning. His head was on the bank, out of the water, or he might have drowned.

Staggering to his feet, he came slowly to his senses. Was this a nightmare or reality? The cascade of surreal events could only make him wonder. He made his wobbly way up the many steps to return to the scene of horror on the second floor of the house looming above.

At the very least, Marilyn had surely been badly injured by the intruder—intruders?—and the husband, the doctor, went to his wife quickly, through the house, up the stairs. Again he found the scent of copper and the splash of blood and a woman with no pulse.

In a daze, he began to pace aimlessly, first upstairs, then down, and up again, and every time he re-entered the bedroom he hoped he would wake from this bizarre bad dream. But one final examination confirmed Marilyn was gone.

There would be no waking from this, for either of them.

He wandered downstairs, disoriented, sleepwalking through the kitchen, through his study and living room and finally he became focused enough to find the phone and call for help.

But what good had crying for help done his wife?


“What,” Erle Stanley Gardner asked me, “do you think of his story?”

The story, of course, belonged to Dr. Sam Sheppard of Bay Village, Ohio, whose wife Marilyn had been murdered in the early-morning hours of July 4, 1954. Dr. Sam, as many called him (including the Cleveland media who’d crucified him), was found guilty of her murder on December 21 of that year. He was currently in a maximum-security prison in Columbus.

“It stinks,” I said.

I had followed the case, which had made the Chicago papers—it got a lot of national coverage—and the accused husband’s account had been repeated again and again.

“I mean, your melodramatic touches improve it,” I granted, “but it’s still about as believable as a flying saucer sighting. I mean, who the hell gets knocked out twice in one fight?”

We were seated in Gardner’s knotty-pine office in the sprawling main house of his thousand-acre ranch outside tiny Temecula, California. The creator of Perry Mason and so many big-city mysteries was a would-be Westerner, with a tanned, weather-beaten oval face and snap-button open-collar tan shirt with black trim as evidence. He was one of those men of average height who seemed taller because of wide shoulders and a stout build, his brown hair going gray but the dark eyes retaining a boyish twinkle behind round-lens glasses with dark plastic frames.

“That’s what the jury thought,” Gardner said, between puffs of his pipe. “But much as I prize our system of justice, sometimes juries do get it wrong.”

“Sometimes it’s given to juries wrong,” I said.

I was not a Westerner, and my suit was strictly big city, a dark brown Botany 500 with a brown-and-yellow silk tie. I’d been more casually dressed when I’d driven the near two hours plus down from Los Angeles.

I’d never been to the writer’s Rancho del Paisano before, described to me as halfway between L.A. and San Diego, and got a little lost. Back roads, stretches of desert and grassy rolling hills brought me to a modest mountain where, about halfway up, the scattered buildings of the ranch awaited, almost hiding in a grove of oak trees.

My host had given me a quick tour of the eight guesthouses and the main building before depositing me at my own quarters, which were outfitted with a liquor cart, assorted Gardner novels, a thermos bucket of ice, and an electric heater for the morning cold.

I gussied up for dinner, which Gardner did not, and found myself seated at a long, narrow, well-polished slab of wood that passed for a table. Gardner had a small army of young women (younger than he was anyway) who were live-in secretaries. At least one of them had other duties—Jean, who cooked the meal (steak with salad and baked potatoes, simple but delicious) and joined us.

I didn’t read mystery novels, but I knew Della Street from TV and Jean might have been her.

This trip to California had been chiefly to see Gardner—specifically, to deliver three reels of tape recordings and other materials from a polygraph examination of Sam Sheppard’s two brothers and their wives that I had supervised at the John E. Reid and Associates lab back in Chicago.

I was not myself a polygraph examiner, but I’d had a longtime relationship with one of the machine’s inventors, the late Leonarde Keeler. Gardner and Keeler had both been part of the Harry Oakes investigation in Nassau, a decade or so ago. That was one of the famous cases that put my business, the A-1 Detective Agency, on the map.

And frankly I was fairly famous myself by now, with articles in Life and Look, as well as the true detective magazines, for whom I sometimes wrote up my cases. Well, we in the trade call them “jobs,” but the public who bought Gardner’s mysteries—The Case of the This, and The Case of the That—had long ago made their choice.

That minor-celebrity fame, and a friendship born in Nassau, where Gardner had been covering the Oakes murder for Hearst, got me roped into being an investigator for the so-called Court of Last Resort. Pro bono work, but the publicity was good. More newspaper and magazine articles for Nate Heller meant more business for the A-1, which now had Los Angeles and New York branches; home base was in the Monadnock Building in the South Loop.

I didn’t share this ulterior motive with Gardner, who was a millionaire book writer and could afford to be philanthropic. He kept on filling the paperback racks with his novels, plus had the Mason TV show going with Raymond Burr, who got courtroom confessions on a weekly basis. I bet Gardner’s weekly take was even more impressive. A Court of Last Resort series was coming soon, too.

Most people understood the premise of the Court—a bunch of experts—ex-cops, criminologists, lawyers, private detectives—looked into credible claims from men behind bars who felt they’d been wrongfully convicted. But the Court wasn’t some bustling legal office where, in some posh suite, specialists in crime-solving gathered in conference before polishing their magnifying glasses and scattering to balance the scales of justice.


It was basically a monthly column by Gardner in Argosy, a men’s magazine of the guns and cars variety. Me, I preferred Playboy, but that I kept to myself also. The editor/publisher of the magazine, a longtime pal of Gardner’s, funded the expenses for the public defender–type work of the experts and investigators who did the author’s bidding by phone and telegram.

And, like I said, I was one of them. In a way I didn’t mind, because it got me back out into the field. The A-1 had grown so big lately that I really was the “President” I’d claimed to be in 1932 on the door of my one-room office on the fourth floor at Van Buren and Plymouth over a speakeasy. I’d been the only employee and slept there, too, on a Murphy bed. Now I was mostly supervising and doing PR, sleeping in a double bed in my modern townhouse, thank you very much, not always alone.

The trouble with the Good Old Days is you don’t know when you’re in them.

If you’ve done the math, you should know that the storied private detective seated opposite Erle Stanley Gardner was not a kid. I was in fact a well-preserved fifty or so, some gray at the temples of my reddish brown hair, six feet and two hundred pounds and handsome enough to play myself in the movies, though that had never come up.

And they were going to fictionalize me on the Court of Last Resort TV show. Meaning any money I got for it would be fictional, too.

“So what did you think of the Sheppards?” Gardner asked, as he rocked slightly in his swivel chair, periodically puffing at his pipe.

The desk was a massive mahogany thing edged with cowboy knickknacks, an anomaly in the knotty-pine space with its Indian rugs on the floor and Western paraphernalia on the walls—knives and spears and guns and ropes and framed pulp magazine paintings. Countless reference books crowded built-in shelves and a Dictaphone machine hugged the desk like a frightened time traveler.

I was lounging in an overstuffed leather chair I’d pulled around, an ankle on a knee.

“The middle brother seems to be in charge,” I said. “Both brothers are articulate, though Steve—brother number two—is more intense. Richard is there for the family, cool, quiet, a cheroot smoker. Steve is there for his brother Sam.”

“Some say they’re aloof,” Gardner said.

“I can see that. To me, I’d call it guarded. Your experts—Hanscom, Snyder, Gregory, Reid himself—say the whole damn clan passed with flying colors. Wives and all.”

Perhaps I should mention the small menagerie in attendance, a sort of ad hoc jury, milling about (when they weren’t lounging on sofas and comfy chairs like mine), were various dogs, of the stray variety, looking like Rin Tin Tin’s illegitimate offsprings; also a chipmunk, who could roam the desk at will, where right now were piled the tapes and original graphs of the polygraph exams, plus a list of the questions asked and answered.

“The chance that all four Sheppards could deceive experts like this,” Gardner said, absently scratching the chipmunk’s neck, “is about one in a million.”

I shrugged. “If that. But people have done it.”

With the pipe in hand, he waved that off, making a trail of smoke. “Not with experts like these. And not with a psychological hotshot like yourself looking on.”

I sipped a rum and Coke I’d been provided by Jean, who had since disappeared. “I appreciate that vote of confidence. But that doesn’t make a polygraph test admissible in court.”

“In the Court of Last Resort, it does,” he said, with a confident squint. He was a lawyer himself, and back in his criminal defense days, that must have been the look he trained on witnesses he was out to spook.

I grinned. “The court of Gardner, you mean.”

“The court of public opinion! My cynical friend, the polygraph is a scientific instrument. Does its job like a camera does its. A piss-poor photographer will give you a lousy picture. A top-notch polygraph operator will give you a real picture … and we used the best four in the country.”

A little dog hopped into my lap. When I got over being startled, I said, “What the hell kind of canine is this? Or is it a fox?”

“It’s not a dog, or a fox. It’s a coyote. A runty little one. But you can pet him like a dog. Name is Bravo.”

I petted it and the damn thing purred or something.

Gardner was right, of course, about the polygraph (I was careful never to refer to it as a “lie detector” in his crusty presence). The graph the machine made showed respiratory variations, as well as blood pressure, pulse, and skin resistance.

“You can’t beat the polygraph,” Gardner said, relighting his pipe with a kitchen match. “Unless you’re a psychopath. But you can beat the operator. Only, not these four.”

“Agreed.” I flipped a hand. “But what have you proven? Nobody ever suspected any of those Sheppards of murder.”

He sat forward and pointed the tip of his pipe at me like it was a .38. “No, but they’ve been suspected of covering up for Dr. Sam. To have helped him conceal evidence … or remove it. To have exaggerated his injuries so he could be whisked away to the nearby family hospital and dope him up so he couldn’t be properly interrogated.”

I nodded toward the pile of tapes and graphs and such on his desk. The chipmunk, finding them of no particular interest, jumped down and scampered off somewhere.

“All that stuff says they didn’t do anything of the kind,” I said. “Also shows that all four, wives included, believe in Sam Sheppard’s innocence. How about you, Erle? Do you think he’s innocent?”

Gardener thought about that. Bravo the miniature coyote on my lap watched its master as if in anticipation of his response.

“I think he deserves a better hearing,” Gardner said finally, “than he got. Now, I’m not saying he didn’t have a fair trial. That the jury didn’t do their best to be careful and impartial, despite all the publicity. His lawyer hasn’t been able to get the verdict set aside, you know.”

That was how the case had become the baby of the Court of Last Resort—all other options seemed closed to Sam Sheppard.

“General opinion,” I said, “was that he did it.”

“At the time,” Gardner said with a nod. “But a steady stream of letters from those who feel otherwise have poured in to Argosy and editor Harry Steeger, and directly to me, as well. A sizeable public out there feels the widespread publicity did adversely affect the outcome.”

“People also voted for Adlai Stevenson. That doesn’t make him president.”

“And others,” he said, ignoring that, “including a good number of attorneys, feel the evidence—almost entirely circumstantial, by the way—was not sufficient to prove Dr. Sam guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And that’s the standard required in our courts.”

“Fine,” I said, after a sigh and another sip of rum and Coke, “but now it’s in your lap. If you have any questions about what’s on those tapes, or the other material, I’ll be in L.A. for the rest of the month. You can catch me at the Beverly Hills Hotel.”

The squint was gone but the friendly smile worried me almost as much. “Well,” he said, with a tiny shrug, “I know you have to check in with the A-1 branch there, time to time.”

“There will be some of that. But I’m also planning to pry my son loose from my ex-wife and have a little fun. We haven’t been to Disneyland yet.”

“How old is Sam now?”

“Eight.” Like he was interested.

Now he got a sly look going, with a pipe stuck in it, puffing away like the Little Engine That Could.

“Did you really think, Nate, that all I had in mind was recruiting you as a delivery boy?”

Bravo jumped down, sensing trouble.

I said, “Well, one can always hope.”

The sly look disappeared and something as grave as the expression on a judge, about to pronounce a sentence of death, came over the pudgy face. “Do I have to tell you that the polygraph test we really need our four experts to administer is of Sam Sheppard himself?”

“It’s the obvious next step,” I said. I wiggled a forefinger at him. “But that sounds like where you come in.”

He nodded. What is it about a nod from a guy puffing a pipe that gives it extra weight?

“I have to approach the warden where Dr. Sam is incarcerated,” he said, “to request the test. He’s likely to say no—he wouldn’t want every prisoner in the place to start asking for such testing—but that’s where I have to start.”

“Then what? The governor?”

Another weighty nod. “The governor of the great state of Ohio is almost certainly where we’ll end up. He can make it happen.”

“Frankly, Erle, I’m not sure I see where you’re going. Like I said, lie tests are inadmissible. Remember?”

“Of that I’m well aware. But if Sheppard passes, then the Court of Last Resort will throw all its resources at the case. And, remember—in a situation like this, it’s the public who ultimately pushes the legal system into doing the right thing.”

“The real Court of Last Resort.”

He jabbed the air with the pipe tip, putting a period on my sentence. “Precisely. Of course, it would be nice to have something to back up these polygraph results.”

“Such as?”

“Some fresh investigatory results.”

Which was where I came in.

“You want me to go to Cleveland,” I said, “and dig into this thing.”

He smiled just a little. It was disarmingly boyish coming from such a grandfatherly type. “Why, are you volunteering, Nate? Don’t you have enough crime on your hands already?”

“Don’t you?”

The boyish look left. “I’m not some commanding officer, who tells a man to volunteer. I understand you’re busy, and this is pro bono work, much of it coming out of your own pocket.”

I waved that off. “No, I volunteer, all right.”

That made him blink. Not an easy thing to do with this guy. “You do? I was expecting to have to do some arm-twisting.”

“Actually, Erle,” I said, regretting only a postponement of the Disneyland visit with my son, “I’ve been interested in this thing from the start.”

Another blink! “Really?” he asked. “Why is that?”

I shrugged. Two dogs, a chipmunk and a coyote looked at me, intrigued. “The murder happened in the early morning hours of July 4, 1954—correct?”


I shrugged. “Well, I was there.”


“Cleveland. But to be specific, I was in that house—the murder house—later that morning.”

Gardner’s eyebrow climbed.

“Nate,” he said, “if I were writing this? This is where I’d end the chapter.”


Copyright © Max Allan Collins

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$2.99 eBook Sale: Ask Not by Max Allan Collins

The ebook edition of Ask Not by Max Allan Collins is on sale now for only $2.99! Get your copy before the next book in the Nathan Heller series Do No Harm comes out on March 10th, 2020.

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Chicago, September 1964. Beatlemania sweeps the nation, the Vietnam War looms, and the Warren Commission prepares to blame a “lone-nut” assassin for the killing of President John F. Kennedy. But as the post-Camelot era begins, a suspicious outbreak of suicides, accidental deaths, and outright murders decimates assassination witnesses. When Nathan Heller and his son are nearly run down on a city street, the private detective wonders if he himself might be a loose end. . . .

Soon a faked suicide linked to President Johnson’s corrupt cronies takes Heller to Texas, where celebrity columnist Flo Kilgore implores him to explore that growing list of dead witnesses. With the blessing of Bobby Kennedy—former US attorney general, now running for Senator from New York—Heller and Flo investigate the increasing wave of violence that seems to emanate from the notorious Mac Wallace, rumored to be LBJ’s personal hatchet man.

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This sale ends 2/29/2020 at 11:59 pm.


Eight Mysteries We Can’t Wait to Solve This Year

Eight Mysteries We Can’t Wait to Solve This Year

By Alison Bunis

The new year is finally here. Take a deep breath and savor the clean slate. But what’s that scent drifting in? Is that…new book smell?? Of course it is! Forge has a whole new lineup of fantastic mysteries for 2020, and they’ll be bringing you all the new book smell, mysterious thrills, and page-turning plot twists your heart could ever desire. To get you excited, here are just a few of the books you can look forward to this year from Forge. On your marks…get set…read!


Blame the Dead by Ed Ruggero (3/3/20)

Place holder  of - 38The nurses of the US Army’s Field Hospitals contend with heat, dirt, German counterattacks,  and a flood of horribly wounded GIs. At the 11th Field Hospital near Palermo, Sicily, in the summer of 1943, they also live with the constant threat of violent assault by one of their own—until someone shoots Dr. Myers Stephenson in the head. Former Philadelphia beat cop turned Military Police lieutenant Eddie Harkins is assigned the case, and he has no idea how to investigate a murder. But Eddie is determined to get to the truth. As his investigation gets more complicated and more dangerous, it becomes clear that this hospital unit is rotten to its core, that the nurses are not safe, and that the patients who have survived Nazi bullets are still at risk in this place that is supposed to save them.

Gone By Midnight by Candice Fox (3/10/20)

Image Placeholder of - 20It’s every parent’s nightmare. Four young boys are left alone in a hotel room while their parents dine downstairs. When Sara Farrow checks on the children at midnight, her son has disappeared. Distrustful of the police, Sara turns to Crimson Lake’s unlikeliest private investigators: disgraced cop Ted Conkaffey and convicted killer Amanda Pharrell. For Ted, the case couldn’t have come at a worse time. Two years ago a false accusation robbed him of his career, his reputation, and most importantly, his family. But now Lillian, the daughter he barely knows, is coming to stay in his ramshackle cottage by the lake. With Lillian at his side, Ted must dredge up the area’s worst characters to find the missing boy. The clock is ticking, and the danger he uncovers could put his own child in deadly peril.

Do No Harm by Max Allan Collins (3/10/20)

Placeholder of  -78The latest book in the Nathan Heller series picks up in 1954, with Heller taking on the Sam Sheppard case: a young doctor is startled from sleep and discovers his wife brutally murdered. He claims that a mysterious intruder killed his wife. But all the evidence points to a disturbed husband who has grown tired of married life and yearned to be free at all costs. Sheppard is swiftly convicted and sent to rot in prison. But just how firm was the evidence…and was it tampered with to fit a convenient narrative that settled scores and pushed political agendas?

Dead West by Matt Goldman (6/2/20)

Poster Placeholder of - 68In Matt Goldman’s fourth standalone entry in the Nils Shapiro series, Nils accepts what appears to be an easy, lucrative job: find out if Beverly Mayer’s grandson is throwing away his trust fund in Hollywood after his fiancée’s tragic death. But nothing is what it seems in Los Angeles. Nils quickly suspects that Ebben Mayer’s fiancée was murdered, and that Ebben himself may have been the target. As Nils moves into Ebben’s inner circle, he discovers that everyone in Ebben’s professional life—his agent, manager, a screenwriter, a producer—seem to have dubious motives at best. With Nil’s friend Jameson White, who has come to Los Angeles to deal with demons of his own, acting as Ebben’s bodyguard, Nils sets out to find a killer before it’s too late.

Of Mutts & Men by Spencer Quinn (7/7/20)

Image Place holder  of - 75Get ready for another canine crime caper, narrated by the world’s fluffiest PI: Chet the dog. When Chet and his human, Bernie Little of the Little Detective Agency. arrive to a meeting with hydrologist Wendell Nero, they’re greeted by a shocking sight—Wendell has been killed. What did the hydrologist want to see them about? Is his death a random robbery, or something more? Chet and Bernie, working for nothing more than an eight-pack of Slim Jims, are on the case. As Chet and Bernie look into Wendell’s work, their search leads to a struggling winemaker who has received an offer he can’t refuse. Meanwhile, Chet is smelling water where there is no water, and soon Chet and Bernie are in danger like never before…

The First to Lie by Hank Phillippi Ryan (8/4/20)

We all have our reasons for being who we are—but what if being someone else could get you what you want? After a devastating betrayal, a young woman sets off on an obsessive path to justice, no matter what dark family secrets are revealed. What she doesn’t know—she isn’t the only one plotting her revenge. 

An affluent daughter of privilege. A glamorous manipulative wannabe. A determined reporter, in too deep. A grieving widow who has to choose her own reality. Who will be the first to lie? And when the stakes are life and death, do a few lies really matter?

And Now She’s Gone by Rachel Howzell Hall (9/22/20)

Isabel Lincoln is gone.

But is she missing?

It’s up to Grayson Sykes to find her. Although she is reluctant to track down a woman who may not want to be found, Gray’s search for Isabel Lincoln becomes more complicated and dangerous with every new revelation about the woman’s secrets and the truth she’s hidden from her friends and family—even as Grayson is forced to confront secrets from the past she thought she’d finally left behind.

A Resolution at Midnight by Shelley Noble (10/13/20)

It’s Christmas in Gilded Age Manhattan. For the first time ever an amazing, giant ball will drop along a rod on the roof of the New York Times building to ring in the New Year. Everyone plans to attend the event. But the murder of a prominent newsman puts something of a damper on the festivities. And when a young newspaperwoman is the target of a similar attack, it’s clear this is not just a single act of violence but a conspiracy of malicious proportions. Really, you’d think murderers would take a holiday. Something absolutely must be done. And Lady Dunbridge is happy to oblige.


Tor Books Announces Programming for San Diego Comic-Con 2016


sdccTor-logoaTor Books is heading to San Diego Comic-Con!

Once again Tor (Booth #2707) continues our wildly popular *in-booth signings and giveaways, offering you a chance to meet your favorite authors up close and personal and pick up free books. We’ve got a great line up including appearances by: V. E. Schwab, Thomas Olde Heuvelt, Mary Robinette Kowal, and more!

For excerpts, a spotlight on our newest authors, panel schedules, giveaway times and much more, please visit And make sure to follow @TorBooks on Twitter for up to date information and last minute events.


  • 1:30pm – 2:30pm Nerd Trivia Challenge: Author Edition, Horton Grand Theatre
    Nerd Trivia Challenge is a one-hour game show featuring three teams of today’s biggest authors competing for the chance to be the champions of nerdy knowledge. Authors V. E. Schwab (A Gathering of Shadows), Patrick Rothfuss, Pierce Brown, and more test their knowledge of everything from Marvel Universe characters to Harry Potter. Moderated by Brandon T. Snider.
  • 2:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Thomas Olde Heuvelt, HEX
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm Fantasy Mixology: The Perfect Literary Cocktail, Horton Grand While the average happy hour involves a bit of gin, rum, or vodka, these authors mix things up with witches, demons, giants, ghosts, Celtic gods, and other magical beings. Top-shelf authors Paul Cornell (Witches of Lychford), Mary Robinette Kowal (Ghost Talkers and The Glamourist Histories), Kevin Hearne, and more discuss the ingredients that go into making your favorite fantasy cocktails. Moderated by Petra Mayer from NPR.


  • 2:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Madeline Ashby, Company Town
  • 2:30pm Spotlight on Seanan McGuire, Room 24ABC 
    This panel has traveled from Australia to Ireland, and now it’s coming to San Diego Comic-Con! Part Q&A, part stand-up comedy, part serious discussion, the only way to know what will be said is to show up and ask questions. For this one-hour period, Seanan McGuire (Every Heart a Doorway) will answer anything you care to ask her (although, as a warning, the answers will rarely be as simple as might be expected). There may be prizes for particularly good questions, depending on how much room she has in her suitcase.
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm Sweet Dreams Aren’t Made of These: Horror and Thriller Authors Bring Your Nightmares to Life, Room 29AB
    Authors in the horror and thriller genres are more than just talented writers. They have to be masters of psychology, understanding what makes us most terrified and portraying worlds and scenarios that strike at the very core of our deepest and darkest fears. Thomas Olde Heuvelt (HEX), Del Howison, Amy Lukavics, and more as they discuss the best ways to scare you.
  • 4:30pm – 5:30pm Science Fiction/Future Now, Room 26AB
    Science fiction has ever been the muse of real-world advances, but now ideas can be achieved almost as soon as they are thought up. So how do writers, out-dream the dream makers? How do writers handle the truth of real science and the fiction that is needed for writing their stories? Is it a crisis for the writer’s imagination? Or does it serve to inspire? Join Madeline Ashby (Company Town), Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Sherri L Smith, and more in a roundtable discussion as they take this subject on.
  • 5:00pm Tor Booth (#2707) Signing: Mary Robinette Kowal, Ghost Talkers
  • 5:00pm Autographing Area, Table AA09 Signing: Thomas Olde Heuvelt (HEX)
  • 6:00pm – 7:00pm The Annual International Association of Media Tie-In Writers Awards Panel, Room 28DE
    Max Allan Collins, co-founder of the IAMTW, hosts this year’s Scribe Awards for excellence in tie-in writing, including honoring this year’s Grandmaster Award “Faust” winner, Timothy Zahn. Panelists Adam Christopher, Nancy HolderJonathan Maberry, and more engage in a freewheeling look at one of the most popular and yet underappreciated branches of the writing trade.


  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm The Female Geek: Women as Fans and Creators, Room 7AB 
    Featuring: Madeline Ashby (Company Town) There’s more to being a geek girl than meets the eye. From Princess Leia, to Katniss Everdeen, to Hermione Granger, fandom is full of awesome female characters-but what about the women who create these iconic individuals? Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir, Kiersten White, and more discuss feminism and fandom in a panel moderated by Madeline Ashby (Company Town).
  • 1:30pm – 2:30pm Autographing Area, Table AA09 Signing: Madeline Ashby (Company Town)
  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm Worldbuilding: Creating Realistic Fantasy Settings, Room 9
    Words are important. But how are they made? Claudia Christian (Wolf’s Empire: Gladiator)Seanan McGuire (, Every Heart a Doorway), and more discuss how they set the stage for their stories and explore the dos and don’ts of building a living, breathing world for their characters in a panel moderated by Cindy Pon (Serpentine).


  • 3:45pm – 4:45pm What’s Hot in Young Adult Fiction, Room 5AB
    Strong protagonists, engrossing romance, humor, action, and angst! Join us for this popular annual chat about the hottest new titles and trends in YA fiction. Moderated by Nathan Bransford and featuring Victoria Schwab (A Darker Shade of Magic), Renee Ahdieh, Victoria Aveyard, Michelle Hodkin, and more.

All Tor Booth signings are on a first come first serve basis and while supplies lasts. Limit one book per person.


New Releases: 5/3/16

Here’s what went on sale today!

Assassin’s Silence by Ward Larsen

Assassin’s Silence by Ward LarsenEvery so often, a great assassin novel comes along: Brad Meltzer’s The Fifth Assassin, David Baldacci’s The Hit, Daniel Silva’s The Kill Artist. Now Ward Larsen brings us Assassin’s Silence, featuring David Slaton, hero of Larsen’sAssassin’s Game and the award-winning The Perfect Assassin.

When it comes to disappearing, David Slaton has few equals. Police in three countries have written off trying to find him. His old employer, Mossad, keeps no forwarding address. Even his wife and son are convinced he is dead. So when an assault team strikes, Slaton is taken by surprise. He kills one man and manages to escape.

Bailey’s Story by Bruce CameronBailey’s Story by Bruce Cameron

Every dog has work to do. Every dog has a purpose.

When Bailey meets eight-year-old Ethan, he quickly figures out his purpose: to play with the boy, to explore the Farm during summers with the boy, and to tidy the boy’s dishes by licking them clean (only when Mom isn’t watching). But Bailey soon learns that life isn’t always so simple–that sometimes bad things happen–and that there can be no greater purpose than to protect the boy he loves.

Better Dead by Max Allan Collins

Better Dead by Max Allan CollinsIt’s the early 1950’s. Joe McCarthy is campaigning to rid America of the Red Menace. Nate Heller is doing legwork for the senator, though the Chicago detective is disheartened by McCarthy’s witch-hunting tactics. He’s made friends with a young staffer, Bobby Kennedy, while trading barbs with a potential enemy, the attorney Roy Cohn, who rubs Heller the wrong way. Not the least of which for successfully prosecuting the so-called Atomic Bomb spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. When famous mystery writer Dashiell Hammett comes to Heller representing a group of showbiz and literary leftists who are engaged in a last minute attempt to save the Rosenbergs, Heller decides to take on the case.

Fatal Thunder by Larry Bond

Fatal Thunder by Larry BondJerry Mitchell, skipper of the USS North Dakota, receives a message from Girish Samant, a submarine captain and former enemy of his, requesting a meeting. Girish once tried to kill Jerry, but now he and Aleksey Petrov, a former Russian sub captain, need the American’s help to uncover a terrible truth: Nuclear weapons of the fallen Soviet Empire are being sold to people more than willing to use them.

But who has stolen the nuclear weapons? ISIS? Al Qaeda? Iran? Hezbollah? No one knows. Furthermore, nuclear explosions destroy all evidence. The world may never know who stole the nukes and set them off.

Over Your Dead Body by Dan Wells

Over Your Dead Body by Dan WellsJohn and Brooke are on their own, hitchhiking from town to town as they hunt the last of the Withered through the midwest–but the Withered are hunting them back, and the FBI is close behind. With each new town, each new truck stop, each new highway, they get closer to a vicious killer who defies every principle of profiling and prediction John knows how to use, and meanwhile Brooke’s fractured psyche teeters on the edge of oblivion, overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of dead personalities sharing her mind. She flips in and out of lucidity, manifesting new names and thoughts and memories every day, until at last the one personality pops up that John never expected and has no idea how to deal with. The last of Nobody’s victims, trapped forever in the body of his last remaining friend.


The Jewel and Her Lapidary by Fran Wilde

The Jewel and Her Lapidary by Fran WildeThe kingdom in the Valley has long sheltered under the protection of its Jewels and Lapidaries, the people bound to singing gemstones with the power to reshape hills, move rivers, and warp minds. That power has kept the peace and tranquility, and the kingdom has flourished.

Jewel Lin and her Lapidary Sima may be the last to enjoy that peace.

The Jeweled Court has been betrayed. As screaming raiders sweep down from the mountains, and Lapidary servants shatter under the pressure, the last princess of the Valley will have to summon up a strength she’s never known. If she can assume her royal dignity, and if Sima can master the most dangerous gemstone in the land, they may be able to survive.


The Affinities by Robert Charles Wilson

Ellie’s Story by Bruce Cameron

Fast Shuffle by David Black

The Hollow Queen by Elizabeth Haydon

Hover by Anne A. Wilson

Journey of the Dead and the Undertaker’s Wife by Loren D. Estleman

Lash-Up by Larry Bond

The Memory of Earth and the Call of Earth by Orson Scott Card

Power Surge by Ben Bova

Quag Keep by Andre Norton

A School for Unusual Girls by Kathleen Baldwin

Valley of the Shadow by Ralph Peters

Vostok by Steve Alten


Arpeggio of Blue Steel Vol. 7 by Ark Performance

Shomin Sample: I Was Abducted by an Elite All-Girls School as a Sample Commoner Vol. 1 Story by Nanatsuki Takafumi; Art by Risumai

The Testament of Sister New Devil Vol. 2 by Tetsuto Uesu

See upcoming releases.

Starred Review: Ask Not by Max Allan Collins

Placeholder of  -86“A master at thoroughly believable historical re-creations of unsolved or covered-up crimes, Collins is the perfect fiction writer to tackle the JFK assassination, and he does so brilliantly, working the edges of the story by focusing on the little-known raft of questionable suicides—all documented in the historical record… Even readers who aren’t conspiracy theorists will find themselves utterly drawn into the story and convinced by Collins’ version of what happened. And, best of all, it’s a terrific detective novel, compelling and well constructed even without the historical connection.”

Max Allan Collins’ Ask Not got a starred review in Booklist!*

Here’s the full review, from the August issue:

starred-review-gif The third in Collins’ trilogy of Nathan Heller novels about JFK, this one jumps from a few weeks before the assassination (Target Lancer, 2012), when a planned attempt on the president’s life in Chicago was aborted, to several months after the events of November 22, 1963. Heller becomes involved when he and his son are nearly run down as they leave a Beatles concert. Recognizing the driver as one of the Cubans involved in the Chicago plot, Heller sets out to take his family off the assassins’ radar and soon finds himself even deeper in hot water, as he follows the trail of a host of spurious suicides by witnesses of the shooting in Dallas whose versions of what happened conflict with the official, “one-man, one-shooter” version being promulgated by the Warren Commission. Teaming with TV star and investigative reporter Flo Kilgore (read Dorothy Kilgallen), who is on the verge of exposing the cover-up — and its ties to several LBJ cronies — Heller ruffles feathers at the CIA, in the Mob, and possibly even in (or very near) the White House. A master at thoroughly believable historical re-creations of unsolved or covered-up crimes, Collins is the perfect fiction writer to tackle the JFK assassination, and he does so brilliantly, working the edges of the story by focusing on the little-known raft of questionable suicides — all documented in the historical record — and making great use of the Kilgore/Kilgallen character, who was herself one of the unlikely suicides. Even readers who aren’t conspiracy theorists will find themselves utterly drawn into the story and convinced by Collins’ version of what happened. And, best of all, it’s a terrific detective novel, compelling and well constructed even without the historical connection. — Bill Ott

Ask Not will be published on October 22nd.

Booklist is a subscription-only publication.

Bye Bye, Baby receives a starred review in Publishers Weekly

Image Placeholder of - 80“Set in 1962, Collins’s excellent 13th novel featuring Chicago PI Nate Heller (last seen in 2002’s Chicago Confidential) finds Heller–who’s investigated such high-profile crimes as the Lindbergh kidnapping and Huey Long’s assassination–looking into the death of Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe.”

Bye Bye, Baby by Max Allan Collins has received a Starred review in this week’s Publishers Weekly!

Below is the full review:

“Set in 1962, Collins’s excellent 13th novel featuring Chicago PI Nate Heller (last seen in 2002’s Chicago Confidential) finds Heller–who’s investigated such high-profile crimes as the Lindbergh kidnapping and Huey Long’s assassination–looking into the death of Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe. The book’s first half covers the movie star’s last two months, as she tries to deal with attacks on many fronts–by the movie studio that fired her; by her abusive ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio; and by the Kennedys. By the time a drug overdose claims her, there’s no shortage of people who wanted her dead. Heller, Monroe’s sometime lover, who refuses to buy the official line that she committed suicide, steps on powerful toes with his usual tenacity and stubbornness to reach the truth. Collins convincingly portrays the real-life players in the drama, who include Jimmy Hoffa and Frank Sinatra. Readers with a taste for hard-boiled roman à clef will hope that more Heller is in the offing.” (Aug.)

Bye Bye, Baby will be on-sale August 16th, 2011.

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