The Quantum Shorts competition is back! The annual celebration of quantum-inspired creative works returns with a call for flash fiction. You have from now until December 1st, 2017 to send us a story up to 1000 words long. Open your imagination to the strange ways of quantum particles and anticipate a new era of quantum technology. A hundred years ago you might have hammered out your story on a typewriter. Today, an AI might be taking your dictation. How might the quantum future look?
This year, as well as telling us a story that draws on the ideas or themes of quantum physics, you must also include the phrase “There are only two possibilities: yes or no”. That’s a line from the 2015 People’s Choice Winner. Before you get started, you can read all the past winners on the Quantum Shorts website. Then start writing for a chance to win prizes of up to $1500 and digital subscriptions to Scientific American magazine!