
Forge Books That Will Get You In the Holiday Spirit!

‘Tis the season for some holiday reading! Whether you’re on the hunt for a timely book to gift someone this holiday season or you’re in the mood to read something perfectly fit for the most wonderful time of the year, Forge is here to provide festive reads that are sure to deck your halls! We’re making a list (and checking it twice), none are naughty and all are nice! Read below to see what books to either read and/or gift this year to help you get in the holiday spirt!

A Dog’s Perfect Christmas and The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce Cameron

A Dog's Perfect Christmas

The Dogs of Christmas
Is there anything more precious than sweet puppies at Christmas? Two perfect gifts, A Dog’s Perfect Christmas and The Dogs of Christmas are charming and heartwarming holiday tales that explores the power of love, trust, and what can happen when family members open their hearts to new possibilities. From W. Bruce Cameron, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Dog’s Purpose!

Up on the Woof Top and It’s a Wonderful Woof by Spencer Quinn

Up on the Woof Top
It's a Wonderful Woof








Chet the dog, “the most lovable narrator in all of crime fiction” (Boston Globe) and his human partner Bernie Little find themselves in the midst of two thrilling holiday adventures! A wonderful bundle of books to either give as a gift this year, or to snuggle up with while you read by the light of the Christmas tree.

A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing But Using the Bathroom as an Escape by Joe Pera; illustrated by Joe Bennett

A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing but Using the Bathroom as an Escape
Okay, so we know this isn’t a conventional holiday-themed pick, but hear us out: how many times have you sat at the holiday dinner table and silently wished for an escape from whatever awkward conversation your dear old aunt was trying to rope you into? That’s why the Bathroom Book is perfect for this time of year! A USA Today bestseller, the cozy comedy of Joe Pera meets the darkly playful illustrations of Joe Bennett in A Bathroom Book for People Not Pooping or Peeing But Using the Bathroom as an Escape, a funny, warm, and sincere guide to regaining calm and confidence when you’re hiding in the bathroom.

An Irish Country Christmas by Patrick Taylor

An Irish Country Christmas
Just in time for the holidays, An Irish Country Christmas from beloved author Patrick Taylor presents a new look for the beloved New York TimesUSA Today, and Globe and Mail bestselling series! This book has all the cozy vibes and is absolutely perfect for curling up with under a warm blanket this winter!


Excerpt: The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce Cameron

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Place holder  of - 57While nursing a broken heart, Josh Michaels is outraged when a neighbor abandons his very pregnant dog, Lucy, at Josh’s Colorado home. But Josh can’t resist Lucy’s soulful brown eyes, and though he’s never had a dog before, he’s determined to do the best he can for Lucy—and her soon-to-arrive, bound-to-be-adorable puppies.

Soon in over his head, Josh calls the local animal shelter for help, and meets Kerri, a beautiful woman with a quick wit and a fierce love for animals. As Kerri teaches Josh how to care for Lucy’s tiny puppies and gets them ready to be adopted through the shelter’s “Dogs of Christmas” program, Josh surprises himself by falling for her.

But he’s fallen even harder for his new furry family, which has brought incredible joy into Josh’s life. He barely has time to sit down, between chasing after adventurous Sophie and brave Oliver, but when he does, his lap is quickly filled by the affectionate Lola. And Rufus and Cody’s strong bond makes Josh wonder about his own relationships with his family.

With Christmas and the adoption date looming, Josh finds himself wondering if he can separate himself from his beloved puppies. At odds with Kerri, Josh isn’t willing to lose her, but doesn’t know how to set things right. Can a surprise litter of Christmas puppies really change one man’s life?

The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce Cameron is now on sale. Please enjoy this excerpt.


The phone rang.

Josh looked over at it, not sure if he’d heard correctly. A muscular contraction twitched its way up his spine, something like a false start toward answering it. The leather chair he was sitting in made a whispering noise as he shifted. He unconsciously lowered his book, as if that would help him see who was calling, somehow.

The date was October first. Nobody’s birthday, no holiday—no reason for anyone to be calling.

It rang again.

His eyes drifted over to Amanda’s picture on the table next to him, and that’s why he stood up. In all probability it was a wrong number or, worse, a solicitation to buy something or insure something or do something. But remembering what it was like to hear her voice on the line irresistibly compelled him to cross the room and reach for the phone before it rolled to voice mail—though he knew, of course, that it could not be Amanda.

He didn’t recognize the number in his caller ID. “Hello?”

“Michael! Dude, you don’t answer your cell phone? I left you like five messages.”

Josh was frowning, trying to place the voice squawking in his ear.

“I need your help, buddy. I have a major situation,” the caller continued.

“Sorry, who is this?”

“It’s Ryan. Your neighbor? Come on, Michael, you remember me.”

“My name’s not Michael,” was all Josh could think to say. Ryan? Who the heck was Ryan? “It’s Josh Michaels.”

“Right, well, that just proves how stressed I am. Josh. Remember me? Brews at the Little Bear?”

The Little Bear was an old-west-style saloon that had been in the mountain town of Evergreen virtually since there had been an Evergreen. The place was always crowded— Josh sometimes went there because being packed in with so many people gave him the illusion that he was popular.

Brews at the Little Bear. Oh. Right. Josh briefly closed his eyes. Yes. Ryan. A shared conversation built on the misconception that their circumstances were similar. You’re lucky, Ryan had said. I got thrown out, had to find my own place even though I was unemployed and completely broke. Your deal, I know it sounds harsh, but in the end you’ve got a place to live.

Lucky? That he’d lost Amanda?

Not lucky. Amanda was gone but still here, her scent still imagined on the air, her presence just outside the periphery of Josh’s vision, the bed heavy in the dark with a sleeping form that was really only shadow and memory. It took a special kind of stupid to call that lucky.

And Ryan, Josh now recalled, was precisely that stupid. The man had listened to Josh’s tale of loss with the impatient expression of a debater waiting for his time at the microphone, plunging into a rant the moment Josh finished speaking. Ryan hated his old girlfriend. Hunched over a beer and making gathering motions as if enlisting Josh as an accomplice, Ryan spoke in hot, resentful terms about his breakup, all but suggesting he was due some sort of justice and, if not that, revenge. What was her name? Well, that didn’t matter. Josh just remembered feeling more and more distant from Ryan, watching him from across the table, then as if from across the room, and then as if from far, far away.

Had he really given this person his phone number?

“You said to call if I needed any help with anything,” Ryan reminded Josh, answering the unspoken question.

“Right, you said you tried to light a fire in your wood-stove and the house filled with smoke.” The last thing anyone would want up here at 8,500 feet, living among lodgepole pines desiccated by Japanese beetles, was for some idiot to burn his cabin down. As Josh recalled, his offer of assistance had been limited to ensuring Ryan didn’t set fire to the entire mountainside.

“Well, this is like that times a thousand. My brother— you’re not going to believe this—got arrested. In France.” Ryan proclaimed this last word with a triumphant emphasis.

Josh waited a moment so that Ryan could explain what this had to do with him. “So . . . ,” he finally prodded.

“So I need your help, bro. I’ve got Serena’s dog here. Someone needs to watch it.”

That was the ex-girlfriend’s name. Serena. “Well, no, I can’t,” Josh replied.

“Dude, I have got to go to Europe! They won’t let you take dogs there and anyway it’s not even my dog and I have to leave right away on a flight in like four hours. Okay? Can you hear how I’m really stressed here? Loose and I are coming over, I’ll explain it then.”


“Its name’s Loose, what can I tell you.”

Josh took in a deep breath, but the firm and unequivocal statement he intended to deliver was snuffed out by the dead tone that blanketed the line once Ryan clicked off.

Josh went to his window, a floor-to-ceiling expanse of paned glass next to the front door from which he could see his front deck and the yard and driveway beyond. The air was dry and clear this October afternoon, sun streaming down through the trees as if poured from a bucket. Amanda loved to hike on a day like this, a Saturday. They’d find a mountain trail and she’d be tireless, always ready to keep going. Ironically, she’d always wanted a dog, but Josh, picturing all the extra work that would go into taking care of a pet, said no. He saw himself as too busy for a dog.

If they’d gotten one, though, then Josh would have had a friend to help him mourn her. Wasn’t that the thing about dogs, that they stood by you no matter what? That was Josh’s impression, anyway.

Though their homes on the sparsely populated hillside were less than a hundred yards apart, Ryan drove over. He was apparently one of those people who kept his vehicle in full-time four-wheel drive because he lived in the mountains and thought that’s what you needed to do. Josh watched all four of the oversized tires bite the dirt as the SUV bounded up the switchback. It came to a grinding halt, rocking, and Ryan stepped out of the vehicle.

He was dressed the way Josh would be for air travel, wearing khaki pants, a sweater, and a light jacket. He gave a slight wave at Josh through the window, and Josh crossed to his front door, deciding to prevent Ryan and his dog Loose from their intended trespass. He stepped out on the deck, his boots ringing on the boards.

“Hey, Josh,” Ryan called as if they were the best of buddies.

Immediately after losing Amanda, Josh had let his hair and beard grow, just like Ryan’s—the whiskers not bushy, exactly, but sculpted into a permanent ten-days’ growth, the hair brushing his collar. Then during a teleconference Josh noticed his clients eyeing him and realized that he was pushing people toward a conclusion they were already willing to embrace, that he was some sort of lone nut living in a cabin on a mountain, coding applications in the day and then at night, what, running with the wolves? Building bombs out of wood pieces? Josh went back to the clean-shaven look, his dark hair short, and now Ryan’s wooly appearance, stringy blond hair down past his ears, reinforced the wisdom of Josh’s decision. Ryan looked as if he’d joined a cult that was against grooming.

“I appreciate this big time, buddy,” Ryan said gratefully.

“I can’t do it, Ryan. I’ve never even had a dog before. I don’t know the first thing about taking care of them.”

Ryan raised his hands to his head and winced as if he were having a migraine. “Can I just explain? This is serious. Do you even know what the laws are like in Europe? It’s like, Canada times a thousand. I have to hire a lawyer who speaks like both French and English, how am I going to do that? My brother’s arrested and it’s just totally messed up.”

Josh sifted through all of this carefully, looking for the part that explained why he should provide care for Ryan’s ex-girlfriend’s dog. He couldn’t find it. “Can’t she just take him back?”

A canine face, brown and black, rose up in the back of the SUV, looking out the window at the two men. A pink tongue peeped into view.

“Who, Serena? She’s traveling. And anyway she dumped the dog like she did me, that’s who she is, man, I told you. Look, just . . . it’s just for a few days. I’ll call you as soon as I’m settled in France, and I’ll make arrangements from there to have someone pick him up, okay? But I have to go now.”

Josh steeled himself. “Look, this isn’t my problem, Ryan. I’m sorry about your brother. But I can’t take a dog. It’s impossible.”

“Well, then, what am I going to do?” Ryan asked, lifting arms out to his sides and then dropping them flat on his hips. “There’s supposed to be a storm coming. I just let the dog go and it’ll freeze. There. The dog dies.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“I’m leaving for Europe!” Ryan shouted in frustration. “Are you going to help me out here, or not?”

No. That’s what Josh was going to say. No, I will not help you out. Get off my property. But he glanced involuntarily at the dog before he spoke, and what he saw in those eyes made him hesitate. Suddenly, he took everything in from Loose’s perspective. Its owner gone, something that defied canine explanation. Living with Ryan, a man who felt that a flight to France, a place in Europe, preempted all other concerns, human and otherwise. Ryan probably would just abandon the poor animal, just as he was threatening. Loose would be bewildered and alone. The dog probably would die.

“I . . . ,” Josh faltered helplessly.

Ryan saw something in Josh’s expression and seized it. “Thanks, man, I owe you.” Ryan walked around to the back of his SUV. “I promise as soon as I get things figured out, I’ll call you. This is for like two or three days, max. I have the food right here.”

Ryan lifted the gate and, with a moment’s hesitation, a large dog, marked like a shepherd but with something else mixed in, leaped heavily to the ground. It shook, raised its head to Ryan for a touch that wasn’t forthcoming, and then trotted up to Josh, its head lowered and its tail beating the ground submissively.

Josh’s mouth was open in shock at the sight of the big dog. He put his hand down and was nuzzled with a wet nose, but his surprise choked off anything he might say.

“And here’s a bowl, too,” Ryan announced, lugging a brightly colored bag of food up onto the deck and setting down a metal bowl that clanged when it struck the wood.

“You said this was a male,” Josh objected. “Named Loose.”

“Yeah.” Ryan squinted at him while Josh ran his index finger along the name embroidered on the dog’s collar.

“This says Lucy. Not Loose. Lucy.”

Ryan shrugged. “Serena always called him Loose, what do I know?”

“Not him, Ryan. It’s not him. It’s her. Lucy. The female dog,” Josh corrected sharply.

“Fine.” Ryan spread his hands in a what’s the difference gesture.

“Not fine. It’s not just that she’s female. She’s obviously pregnant, can’t you see? Lucy is a pregnant female dog.”

Copyright © 2018

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New Releases: 10/16

Happy New Release day! Here’s what went on sale today.

An Irish Country Cottage by Patrick TaylorCountry

The New Year brings challenges and changes to the colorful Irish village of Ballybucklebo. The Christmas holidays have barely passed before a fire engulfs the humble thatched cottage housing of Donal Donnally and his family. Although the family escapes the blaze more or less unsinged, Donal, his wife, their three small children, and their beloved dog find themselves with nothing left but the clothes on their back.

Good thing Doctors O’Reilly and Laverty are on hand to rally the good people of Ballybucklebo to come to their aid. Rebuilding the cottage won’t be quick or easy, but good neighbors from all walks of life will see to it that the Donallys get back on their feet again, no matter what it takes.

Meanwhile, matters of procreation occupy the doctors and their patients. Young Barry Laverty and his wife Sue, frustrated in their efforts to start a family, turn to modern medicine for answers. O’Reilly must tread carefully as he advises a married patient on how to avoid another dangerous pregnancy.

As a new and tumultuous decade approaches, sectarian division threaten to bring unrest to Ulster, but in Ballybucklebo at least, peace still reigns and neighbors look after neighbors.

Ask Me No Questions by Shelley NobleQuestions

A modern woman in 1907, Lady Dunbridge is not about to let a little thing like the death of her husband ruin her social life. She’s ready to take the dazzling world of Gilded Age Manhattan by storm.

From the decadence of high society balls to the underbelly of Belmont horse racing, romance, murder, and scandals abound. Someone simply must do something. And Lady Dunbridge is happy to oblige.

The Consuming Fire by John ScalziConsuming

The Interdependency, humanity’s interstellar empire, is on the verge of collapse. The Flow, the extra-dimensional conduit that makes travel between the stars possible, is disappearing, leaving entire star systems stranded. When it goes, human civilization may go with it—unless desperate measures can be taken.

Emperox Grayland II, the leader of the Interdependency, is ready to take those measures to help ensure the survival of billions. But nothing is ever that easy. Arrayed before her are those who believe the collapse of the Flow is a myth—or at the very least, an opportunity that can allow them to ascend to power.

While Grayland prepares for disaster, others are preparing for a civil war, a war that will take place in the halls of power, the markets of business and the altars of worship as much as it will take place between spaceships and battlefields. The Emperox and her allies are smart and resourceful, but then so are her enemies. Nothing about this power struggle will be simple or easy… and all of humanity will be caught in its widening gyre.


An Irish Country Practice by Patrick TaylorPractice

Once, not too long ago, there was just a single Irish country doctor tending to the lively little village of Ballybucklebo: Doctor Fingal Flahertie O’Reilly. Now his thriving practice is growing by leaps and bounds.

Not only has O’Reilly taken a new trainee under his wing, Doctor Connor Nelson, he’s also added a spirited Labrador puppy to his ever-expanding household at Number One Main Street. Meanwhile, his trusted partner, young Doctor Barry Laverty, finds himself wondering if he’s truly ready to settle down and start a family with his lovely fiancée, Sue.

As the doctors cope with domestic and professional challenges, they also look after their patients and their ailments, including a mysterious cough, a housewife whose frequent “accidents” may have a disturbing cause, and a respected colleague who might be succumbing to an old vice.

All is not sickness and worry, however. There’s plenty of joy and merriment to be found as well, from a visiting circus to racing to sailing . . . and maybe even a happy ending or two.

The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce CameronChristmas

Suddenly responsible for an abandoned dog and a box full of adorable puppies, Josh Michaels is in over his head. He reaches out to the local shelter for help, where he meets Kerri, who teaches Josh how to care for the puppies and get them ready for adoption.

Josh is surprised to find himself falling for Kerri, a beautiful woman with a quick wit and a fierce love for animals—but he’s fallen even harder for his new furry family.

With Christmas and the adoption date looming, Josh hesitates to part with any of the dogs, putting him at odds with Kerri. Josh isn’t willing to lose her, but doesn’t know how to set things right. Can a surprise litter of Christmas puppies really change one man’s life?

Windwitch by Susan DennardWindwitch

After an explosion destroys his ship, the world believes Prince Merik, Windwitch, is dead. Scarred yet alive, Merik is determined to prove his sister’s treachery. Upon reaching the royal capital, crowded with refugees, he haunts the streets, fighting for the weak—which leads to whispers of a disfigured demigod, the Fury, who brings justice to the oppressed.

When the Bloodwitch Aeduan discovers a bounty on Iseult, he makes sure to be the first to find her—yet in a surprise twist, Iseult offers him a deal. She will return money stolen from him, if he locates Safi. Now they must work together to cross the Witchlands, while constantly wondering, who will betray whom first?

After a surprise attack and shipwreck, Safi and the Empress of Marstok barely escape with their lives. Alone in a land of pirates, every moment balances on a knife’s edge—especially when the pirates’ next move could unleash war upon the Witchlands.

Sometimes our enemies are also our only allies…


Boogiepop Omnibus Vol. 1-3 Story by Kouhei Kadono; Art by Kouji Ogata

Fairy Tale Battle Royale Vol. 1 Story and art by Soraho Ina

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Vol. 2 Story by Yukiya Murasaki; Art by Naoto Fukuda

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Kanna’s Daily Life Vol. 3 Story by coolkyousinnjya; Art by Mitsuhiro Kimura

The Voynich Hotel Vol. 2 Story and art by Douman Seiman


National Pet Day Sweepstakes

It’s National Pet Day! Since we’re at work and can’t snuggle our beloved pets, we thought we’d offer the next best thing: a sweepstakes full of puppies! Here’s a chance to win a stack of heartwarming dog-centric reads by W. Bruce Cameron, including A Dog’s Purpose and A Dog’s Way Home. Take a look at the prize:

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Comment on this post to enter for a chance to win!

No purchase necessary. Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States, D.C. and Canada (excluding Quebec) who are age 13 or older. Entry period begins at 3:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on April 11th and ends at 11:59 PM ET on April 13th. Void where prohibited. For full Official Rules, visit Sponsored by Tom Doherty Associates, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, 10010.

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A Chance to Win Treats For You And Your Dog!

Cameron Collection Sweepstakes

We’re offering you the chance to win a collection of W. Bruce Cameron books, including an advance reading copy of Ellie’s Story, which is due out in stores on April 14th. This collection also includes three toys for your dog and a tote bag.


NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase does not improve your chances of winning. Sweepstakes open to legal residents of 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Canada (excluding the province of Quebec) who are 18 and older as of the date of entry. To enter, complete entry here beginning at 12:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) Tuesday, March 12, 2015. Sweepstakes ends at 11:59 PM ET Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Void outside the United States and where prohibited by law. Please see full details and official rules here . Sponsor: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010.

The Dogs of Christmas eBook is Now on Sale for $4.99

The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce CameronThe ebook for The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce Cameron is now on sale for $4.99!*

About The Dogs of Christmas: While nursing a broken heart, Josh Michaels is outraged when a neighbor abandons his very pregnant dog, Lucy, at Josh’s Colorado home. But Josh can’t resist Lucy’s soulful brown eyes, and though he’s never had a dog before, he’s determined to do the best he can for Lucy—and her soon-to-arrive, bound-to-be-adorable puppies.

Soon in over his head, Josh calls the local animal shelter for help, and meets Kerri, a beautiful woman with a quick wit and a fierce love for animals. As Kerri teaches Josh how to care for Lucy’s tiny puppies and gets them ready to be adopted through the shelter’s “Dogs of Christmas” program, Josh surprises himself by falling for her.

But he’s fallen even harder for his new furry family, which has brought incredible joy into Josh’s life. He barely has time to sit down, between chasing after adventurous Sophie and brave Oliver, but when he does, his lap is quickly filled by the affectionate Lola. And Rufus and Cody’s strong bond makes Josh wonder about his own relationships with his family.

With Christmas and the adoption date looming, Josh finds himself wondering if he can separate himself from his beloved puppies. At odds with Kerri, Josh isn’t willing to lose her, but doesn’t know how to set things right. Can a surprise litter of Christmas puppies really change one man’s life?

W. Bruce Cameron’s The Dogs of Christmas is a charming and heartwarming holiday tale that explores the power of love, trust, and a basket full of puppies.

sale ends December 5

A Chance to Win Holiday Treats For You And Your Dog!

Cameron Collection Sweepstakes

We’re offering you the chance to win a collection of W. Bruce Cameron books, including an advance reading copy of Ellie’s Story, which is due out in stores April 2015. This collection also includes a $200 PetSmart gift card, a Christmas ornament, a KONG Shakers dragon toy for your dog, and lots more.


NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase does not improve your chances of winning. Sweepstakes open to legal residents of 50 United States, the District of Columbia, and Canada (excluding the province of Quebec) who are 18 and older as of the date of entry. To enter, complete entry here beginning at 12:00 AM Eastern Time (ET) Tuesday, November 18, 2014. Sweepstakes ends at 11:59 PM ET Monday, December 15, 2014. Void outside the United States and where prohibited by law. Please see full details and official rules here . Sponsor: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010.

Dogs of Christmas Sweepstakes

Sign up to receive emailed news about W. Bruce Cameron’s titles and events and you’ll be entered for a chance to win The Dogs of Christmas prize pack:

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First Prize (1 winner):

  • $200 PetSmart* gift card
  • Advance reading copy of The Dogs of Christmas
  • The Dogs of Christmas ornament
  • The Dogs of Christmas bookmark
  • Trade paperback copy of A Dog’s Journey
  • Trade paperback copy of A Dog’s Purpose
  • Squeaky toy

Additional Prizes (14 winners):

  • Advance reading copy of The Dogs of Christmas
  • The Dogs of Christmas ornament
  • The Dogs of Christmas bookmark
  • Trade paperback copy of A Dog’s Journey
  • Trade paperback copy of A Dog’s Purpose

PetSmart has not sponsored or endorsed this promotion.

Sign up for your chance to win today!

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be 18 or older and a legal resident of the 50 United States or D.C. to enter. Promotion begins August 26, 2013 at 12 a.m. ET. and ends September 26, 2013, 11:59 p.m. ET. Void in Puerto Rico and wherever prohibited by law. For Official Rules and to enter, go here. Sponsor: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

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