October 27th, 2009. Midnight Release Party. The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson, Book 12 of the Wheel of Time.
Break it down, Provo, UT!! Big props to the BYU Bookstore and the Midnight Storm Leaders headed up by tech wizard Matt Hatch (Theoryland)
500+ people. Impending snow. And the Wheel of Time.
Watch as the camera snakes through the line and runs into a few people (see if you can spot Brandon Sanderson!) and Storm Leader shout-outs (dont take my shirt!)
WoT fans and Storm Leaders hang out in the stores labyrinthine line and entertain themselves with I Killed Amodean bumper stickers! Trivia games! (no spoilers)
Footage taken by: Lironah (roving filmmaker extraordinaire)
Storm Leaders from: Dragonmount