Everyone’s Invited to the Steampunk Party - Tor/Forge Blog
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Everyone’s Invited to the Steampunk Party

Everyone’s Invited to the Steampunk Party

Fiendish Schemes by K. W. Jeter

Written by K. W. Jeter

By the time you read this, or shortly thereafter, there’s good chance I’ll be preparing to head to Brighton, along with a lot of other folks attending the World Fantasy Convention. I’ve looked forward to this for quite a while, as it’ll be the first time in – ouch – a couple of decades for my wife and I to see our old friends in England. I fear I’ve reached the age where time doesn’t just fly, it rockets past on jet boosters.

The downside is that in making my travel plans this year, I had to choose between WFC and WorldCon in San Antonio. I have a lot of friends in Texas as well, whom I would’ve dearly loved to see again, if for no other reason than the Texans have a well-deserved reputation for knowing how to throw a party. Which certainly seems to have been the case once again, from the reports I’ve gotten from other folks who managed to get to WorldCon this year. As was expected, everybody I heard from had a good time.

And yet . . .

There was another, smaller but significant stream of post-con commentary. Which was to the effect of how old so much of everything seemed at WorldCon. (To paraphrase one on-line commentator, “If I’d wanted to hang out with a bunch of people in their seventies, bitching about how the whole world changed without their permission, I’d have gone to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving.”) The age thing was to be expected, I suppose; a lot of the science fiction community, both writers and readers, is getting greyer. But they’re still hanging in there and turning out for events, which is undoubtedly a good thing, even if the clack of chrome walkers on convention hall floors threatens to drown out some of the conversations.

But here’s the deal. I also hear reports from folks returning from steampunk events – and nobody complains about how old everything and everyone is at those. I’ve guested at a couple, and that’s been my impression as well: at least for the time being, the grey factor in the steampunk community is a lot less than in science fiction.

Which isn’t to say that there aren’t plenty of considerably younger people – writers, readers, fans, whatever – involved in science fiction, or that there’s even a hard, sharp division between the sf and steampunk communities; the overlap is pretty wide. And of course, there’s plenty of great and interesting and exciting stories and books coming out from both camps, from the old vets and those just starting out. No reason for everybody not to get along.

Once in a while, though, I catch a whiff of just a little animosity, coming from those closer than not to – ahem – my age bracket. A couple of years ago, at the World Fantasy Con in San Diego, I bumped into one of the science fiction field’s grandmasters, an undoubted Name Everybody Knows. He spotted a badge on my lapel: “What’s that?” When I answered that it was from SteamCon, the big steampunk event in Seattle, he snarled with evident disgust, “Isn’t it about time for that stuff to be over?”

That took me aback. I made some inconsequential reply, but it wasn’t until later – as it always is – that I figured what I should’ve said was, “Look, grandpa, just because you weren’t invited to the party, that’s no reason to get all sclerotic about it.” If I’ve got a new steampunk book coming out and you don’t, whose fault is that? These are invitations you issue to yourself, with no-one’s official imprimatur required.

And of course, a lot of steampunk is propelled by goggles-’n’-corsets High Silliness, but then a big part of science fiction gets moved along by the big media franchises equivalent – which frankly is starting to see some a little past its sell-by date. If some old fogey peering through his smudged bifocals can’t discern the cool and important stuff going on, such as the tsunami of anarchic multiculturalists using the steampunk scalpel to dissect the past and reassemble it like a two-dollar watch, that’s his loss; the readers are picking up on it. If the steampunk party is livelier and the music’s better than over at what used to be the completely happening genre hang-out, they’re still pretty much on the same block downtown, with nothing stopping people from going back and forth from one bar to the other, wherever the action might be.


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10 thoughts on “Everyone’s Invited to the Steampunk Party

  1. I am one of those grey haired ladies. A ways to go until 70’s but old enough to be retired. And lovin the SteamPunk!! But, hate the complainin! More Steam Punk, Please.

  2. I agree. We went to Dragon Con instead of Worldcon this year because of the difference in the crowd. Much livier bunch in Atlanta. I’m a middle-aged lady and I even had a steampunk boffin costume, which friends thought was cool. I picked that because my day job is in medical device engineering, so old techie bits appeal to me.

    I loved your blade runner novels and would love to give your steampunk a try. I’m a book reviewer for a magazine and sometimes I get stuff from Tor. Can you send me the name of the publicist for your book via Twitter please?

  3. I’d like to point out that not everyone involved in Worldcon is old and grey — I was a Division Head this year, and I’m 30. One thing I noticed (a few years back) was that there are plenty of folks in my generation at Worldcon, we just don’t always do a good job of connecting with each other. So we started organizing dinner expeditions together where no one knew everyone, hanging out, even getting a suite to do so in. And we’ve got a Facebook group, which is open: JOF (https://www.facebook.com/groups/147712378657194/).

    In spite of being busy working on the con, I still had time to make new friends under 40. I assure you, the kids are alright.

  4. Thank you for saying this, K. W. I’ve been noticing it for a while. Not from everyone, thank Reason. Of course, I get shunned from the old fogey community for a whole different set of reasons, when they figure out I’m writing SF erotic romance. I’m happy hanging out with the steampunky whippersnappers on the lawn.

  5. Funny. I’m one of those young anarchic multiculturalists who actually dropped those rose-tinted goggles about the Steampunk “subculture” and you should too. I actually had a far better experience at WorldCon than any other convention I’ve ever been to. There’s substance at a WorldCon and the related conventions, while most other conventions have felt like carrots dangling on a stick leading me down a hole of pandering and commercialism.

    I’ve been in this whole Steampunk thing for near a decade and except for immersive experiences like TeslaCon (a unique outlier), I have yet to be impressed and I’m waiting for that to change.

  6. Sure, I agitate to try to change things. I’m heavily involved and already I see things changing. For example, the NASFIC in Detroit, Detcon1, has probably made more efforts at diversity than any other convention I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to many. There’s change coming and, really, after all the booze, the wild crowds and shiny things are stripped away, there’s more being offered on this side of things than your average Steampunk/media convention.

    If you’re feeling too old, that’s a personal problem dealing with your own self-perception, but don’t you dare think that Steampunk is a land of rainbows and kittens where we kids can help your old bones jump and jive again because you feel the sting of death coming in a couple of decades. Like any other community, Steampunk is one gigantic grey area and that’s part of what makes it so fun to analyze, but it’s no paradise.

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