
Historical Fiction Novels We’re Excited About This Season

From stories of forgotten queens to mysteries set during World War II, Forge has a historical fiction novel for every reader coming out this season. If you’ve been thinking of picking up a page-turning novel set in the past, read our team’s recommendations below!

Place holder  of - 96The Widow Queen by Elzbieta Cherezinska

First published in Polish, and now to be released in English, Elzbieta Cherezinska’s historical novel The Widow Queen follows the epic life of a real Polish queen that history forgot. Swietoslawa is one of three daughters to the great duke of Poland, who has his eyes set on creating advantageous matches for the sisters. But Swietoslawa, who’s nickname is The Bold One (as she is too bold for most) wants no part in her father’s plans, wants to be queen and rule alone – with no king attached. The Widow Queen comes out on April 6th.

Lizzy Hosty, Marketing Intern

Poster Placeholder of - 85The Eagle & The Viper by Loren D. Estleman

Is there anything Loren D. Estleman can’t write? Renowned for both his mystery books and his western books, in The Eagle and the Viper, he takes on a Christmas Eve plot to kill Napoleon in 1800. It has all the page-turning suspense you would expect from this master writer as well as a thrilling new take on a moment in history that would have repercussions for years to come.

Jennifer, Senior Marketing Manager

Placeholder of  -29The Paradise Affair by Bill Pronzini

For those of you who love a good historical mystery series, look no further! Bill Pronzini’s Carpenter and Quincannon Mystery series follows detective partners Sabrina Carpenter and John Quincannon as they solve a variety of “whodunit” mysteries. The books are all set around the late 19th century and typically take place in San Francisco. The ninth and newest book in the series is The Paradise Affair, and it follows our two detectives as they chase down two con men who have fled to Hawaii. Each of the books in the series can be read as a standalone, so you can go ahead and dive into The Paradise Affair and take a trip to Hawaii with Carpenter and Quincannon now! If you’re a fan of the Netflix show Peaky Blinders, then this series is definitely for you.

Sarah, Digital Marketing Coordinator

Image Place holder  of - 38Comes the War by Ed Ruggero

If you’re looking for a gripping book set against the heroism and heartbreak of WWII, then look no further than former Army officer Ed Ruggero’s Comes the War. The main character, Lieutenant Eddie Harkins, is assigned to investigate the murder of Helen Batcheller, an OSS analyst. Harkins is paired with a British driver, Private Pamela Lowell, to aid in the investigation. Soon ​after, ​a suspect is quickly arrested and Harkins is ​told to stop his search for answers. ​Yet the swift arrest causes him to become ​suspicious,​ so, against orders,​ he ​decides to ​​press on with ​the investigation​. ​​But the deeper he digs, the further he gets himself entangled ​​in a web of deadly Soviet secrets. As bombs ​drop and war rages on, ​​​​Harkins must ​rush to ​solve the murder and ​expose the spies​…​all before it​’s ​too late. Comes the War brilliantly captures the timeless stories of ordinary people swept up in extraordinary circumstances and it’s a perfect read for all historical fiction lovers!​

Ariana, Marketing Coordinator

Image Placeholder of - 22Finn Mac Cool by Morgan Llywelyn

In college, we read Flann O’Brien’s masterpiece, At Swim Two Birds, which heavily features the Irish folk hero, Finn Mac Cool. Even though I’m Irish American, I had never heard of him, but my interest was piqued. So, I was delighted when Forge reissued Morgan Llywelyn’s novel, Finn Mac Cool. Historians aren’t sure how much of Mac Cool is real, and how much is legend, but Llywelyn is an expert at both Irish history and mythology, so she handles walking the line between both worlds beautifully.

Julia, Associate Marketing Manager


Forge Your Own St. Patrick’s Day Party!

By Lizzy Hosty

St. Patrick’s Day always holds a special place in my heart from growing up in an Irish American household – every year was celebrated with corned beef and cabbage, cake, and, of course, various types of beer. Last year, everyone’s celebrations were put on hold due to the beginning of the quarantine, and it’s pretty sad to know that yet again I will not be able to celebrate with family again this year. If you’re in that same camp, don’t worry! I’ve created a list of fun activities you can do to commemorate the day and still feel connected to your family and friends.

  •  Buddy read a great Irish book!

Reach out to one of your loved ones and ask them if you want to read a book at the same time together, and then chat on Zoom afterwards to debrief – kind of like a mini-book club! Some books to get you started are:

  • An Irish Country Welcome (or any of the Irish Country Books) by Patrick Taylor, about a close-knight Irish village anticipating the birth of the town’s beloved doctor, Barry Laverty and his wife Sue at the tail end of the 1960’s.
  • Of Irish Blood or Irish Above All by Mary Pat Kelly, of the Of Irish Blood series, which follows Nora Kelly a young woman in the beginning of the 20th century, and who inadvertently interacts with key Parisian celebrities, like Gertrude Stein (in Of Irish Blood) and important American politicians, like President-elect Franklin Roosevelt (in Irish Above All).
  • Finn Mac Cool by Morgan Llywelyn, book three in the Celtic World of Morgan Llwelyn series, and which is about the mystical person of Finn Mac Cool – part myth, parth history – who rose from lowest classes of Irish society to eventually lead the invincible army of Fianna.

2. Decorate your living space with party supplies!

Even though we can’t host traditional parties anymore, we can still make the place look festive and merry! Either brave entering your closest dollar store, or order online with quick shipping, and scoop up some faux pots of gold, four leaf clover sunglasses, green beaded necklaces, green party garlands, leprechaun decals, rainbow stickers, and don a green St. Paddy’s day top hat.

3. Invite your friends and family to watch an Irish movie online and drink your beverage of choice!

Some streaming services are now offering ways to watch movies on the site with other folks that have an account, including Disney+ (built into the website), Amazon Watch Party (still in beta), Hulu Watch Party, Teleparty (a third party extension that lets you watch multiple sites, including Netflix), and for when only one member of the group has a subscription, use Kast, formerly known as Rabbit (third party extension). Some Irish movies to suggest to your friends are The Luck of the Irish, anything with Saorise Ronan in it (Little Women, Lady Bird, Brooklyn), and The Breadwinner.

4. Cook some traditional Irish foods!

Listen, don’t let the “and cabbage” part of corned beef and cabbage throw you off – this dish is actually really delicious, and is well worth the time it takes to make it. But if you’d rather forgo the time and cabbage (I’m telling you, you’re missing out!), there’s also shepherd’s pie and Irish soda bread. And if you want to make some dessert, you can always scoop up some easy to make cookies with those four leaf clovers on them, or you can make Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies (or just buy a tub of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream; both works).

5. Listen to some Irish pub songs!

Recently on TikTok, there has been a craze with listening to sea shanties, and while I definitely recommend listening to all those videos immediately if you haven’t, you can also listen to the jovial group songs that once permeated Irish pubs, like “If You’re Irish, Come Into the Parlour,” “The Fields of Athenry,” or “Whiskey in a Jar.”


$2.99 eBook Sale: March 2021

It’s the start of a new month and that means…NEW BOOKS ON SALE!!! Check out what ebooks you can snag for only $2.99 throughout the entire month of March here.

Placeholder of  -93Space Station Down by Ben Bova and Doug Beason

When an ultra-rich space tourist visits the orbiting International Space Station, NASA expects a $100 million win-win: his visit will bring in much needed funding and publicity. But the tourist venture turns into a scheme of terror. Together with an extremist cosmonaut, the tourist slaughters all the astronauts on board the million-pound ISS—and prepares to crash it into New York City at 17,500 miles an hour, causing more devastation than a hundred atomic bombs. In doing so, they hope to annihilate the world’s financial system. All that stands between them and their deadly goal is the lone survivor aboard the ISS, Kimberly Hasid-Robinson, a newly divorced astronaut who has barricaded herself in a secure area.

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Poster Placeholder of - 74Drop by Drop by Morgan Llywelyn

In this first book in the Step By Step trilogy, global catastrophe occurs as all plastic mysteriously liquefies. All the small components making many technologies possible—navigation systems, communications, medical equipment—fail. In Sycamore River, citizens find their lives disrupted as everything they’ve depended on melts around them, with sometimes fatal results. All they can rely upon is themselves. And this is only the beginning . . .

kindleb nookb ebooksb google playb ibooks2 60 kobob

Image Placeholder of - 40City of Broken Magic by Mirah Bolender

Five hundred years ago, magi created a weapon they couldn’t control. An infestation that ate magic—and anything else it came into contact with. Enemies and allies were equally filling. Only an elite team of non-magical humans, known as sweepers, can defuse and dispose of infestations before they spread. Most die before they finish training. Laura, a new team member, has stayed alive longer than most. Now, she’s the last—and only—sweeper standing between the city and a massive infestation.

kindle nook ebooks Place holder  of google play- 5 kobo


Series We’re Saying Goodbye to in 2021

We’re saying hello to the year 2021, but a bittersweet goodbye to some of our favorite SFF series. Find out which ones are wrapping up in 2021 here.

Poster Placeholder of - 68A Summoning of Demons by Cate Glass (Chimera series)

Catagna has been shaken to its core. In every street and market, the people of Catagna are railing against magic-users with a greater ferocity than ever before, and magic hunters are everywhere. Meanwhile, Romy has been dreaming. Every night, her dreams are increasingly vivid and disturbing. Every day, she struggles to understand the purpose of the Chimera’s most recent assignment from the Shadow Lord. As Romy and the others attempt to carry out their mission, they find themselves plunged into a mystery of corruption and murder, myth and magic, and a terrifying truth: the philosophists may have been right all along.


Image Place holder  of - 95Engines of Oblivion by Karen Osborne (The Memory War duology)

Karen Osborne continues her science fiction action and adventure series the Memory War with Engines of Oblivion, the sequel to Architects of Memory—the corporations running the galaxy are about to learn not everyone can be bought. Natalie Chan gained her corporate citizenship, but barely survived the battle for Tribulation. Now corporate has big plans for Natalie. Horrible plans. Locked away in Natalie’s missing memory is salvation for the last of an alien civilization and the humans they tried to exterminate. The corporation wants total control of both—or their deletion.


Place holder  of - 2A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine (Teixcalaan duology)

An alien armada lurks on the edges of Teixcalaanli space. No one can communicate with it, no one can destroy it, and Fleet Captain Nine Hibiscus is running out of options. In a desperate attempt at diplomacy with the mysterious invaders, the fleet captain has sent for a diplomatic envoy. Now Mahit Dzmare and Three Seagrass—still reeling from the recent upheaval in the Empire—face the impossible task of trying to communicate with a hostile entity. Their failure will guarantee millions of deaths in an endless war. Their success might prevent Teixcalaan’s destruction—and allow the empire to continue its rapacious expansion. Or it might create something far stranger . . .


Image Placeholder of - 30Breath by Breath by Morgan Llywelyn (Step by Step series)

The residents of Sycamore River have weathered the Change and the nuclear war it provoked. They emerge to try to build a life from the shattered remains of their town. But for some, the very air has become toxic. The people of Sycamore River have to survived the unthinkable. Can they build something new from the ashes?

ON SALE 4/13/21!

Placeholder of  -41Fortress of Magi by Mirah Bolender

The Hive Mind has done the impossible—left its island prison. It’s a matter of time before Amicae falls, and Laura Kramer has very few resources left to prevent it. The council has tied her hands, and the gangs want her dead. Her only real choice is to walk away and leave the city to its fate.

ON SALE 4/20/21!

Fury of a Demon by Brian Naslund (Dragons of Terra series

Brian Naslund’s epic Dragons of Terra series, beginning with Blood of an Exile, is perfect for comic book readers and fans of heroic fantasy. Action-packed and full of fast-paced adventures, the story follows Bershad, the most successful dragon slayer in history—he’s never lost a fight. But now he’s faced with a dangerous conundrum: kill a king or be killed.

ON SALE 8/31/21!

Invisible Sun by Charles Stross (Empire Games series)

A inter-timline coup d’état gone awry. A renegade British monarch on the run through the streets of Berlin. And robotic alien invaders from a distant timeline flood through a wormhole, wreaking havoc in the USA. Can disgraced worldwalker Rita and her intertemporal extraordaire agent of a mother neutralize the livewire contention between their respective timelines before it’s too late?

ON SALE 9/28/21!


Every Book from Tor Coming in Spring 2021

Spring is in the air, and a new season means, you guessed it, NEW BOOKS!!! Check out everything coming from Tor Books in spring 2021 here:

March 1

Place holder  of - 90A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine

An alien armada lurks on the edges of Teixcalaanli space. No one can communicate with it, no one can destroy it, and Fleet Captain Nine Hibiscus is running out of options. In a desperate attempt at diplomacy with the mysterious invaders, the fleet captain has sent for a diplomatic envoy. Now Mahit Dzmare and Three Seagrass—still reeling from the recent upheaval in the Empire—face the impossible task of trying to communicate with a hostile entity. Their failure will guarantee millions of deaths in an endless war. Their success might prevent Teixcalaan’s destruction—and allow the empire to continue its rapacious expansion. Or it might create something far stranger . . .

March 16

Image Placeholder of - 96The Fiends of Nightmaria by Steven Erikson

The king is dead, long live King Bauchelain the First, crowned by the Grand Bishop Korbal Broach. Both are ably assisted in the running of the Kingdom of Farrog by their slowly unravelling servant, Emancipor Reese. However, tensions are mounting between Farrog and the neighboring country of Nightmaria, the mysterious home of the Fiends. Their ambassador, Ophal D’Neeth Flatroq, seeks an audience with King Bauchelain. But the necromancer has some other things on his plate. To quell potential rebellion nearly all the artists, poets, and bards in the city have been put to death. A few survivors languish in the dungeons, bemoaning their fates. Well, just moaning in general really…and maybe plotting escape and revenge.

March 23

Placeholder of  -75Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner

Now in a Tor Essentials edition, the Hugo Award-winning, uncannily prophetic Stand on Zanizbar is a science fiction novel unlike any before in that remains an insightful look at America’s downfall that allows us to see what has been, what is, and what is to come. Now withan introduction by cyberpunk pioneer Bruce Sterling, author of Distraction and Islands In the Net.

April 13

Image Place holder  of - 37The Helm of Midnight by Marina Lostetter

In a daring and deadly heist, thieves have made away with an artifact of terrible power—the death mask of Louis Charbon. Made by a master craftsman, it is imbued with the spirit of a monster from history, a serial murderer who terrorized the city. Now Charbon is loose once more, killing from beyond the grave. But these murders are different from before, not simply random but the work of a deliberate mind probing for answers to a sinister question. It is up to Krona Hirvath and her fellow Regulators to enter the mind of madness to stop this insatiable killer while facing the terrible truths left in his wake.

Poster Placeholder of - 76Breath by Breath by Morgan Llywelyn

In Breath by Breath, book three in the trilogy, the residents of Sycamore River have weathered the Change and the nuclear war it provoked. They emerge to try to build a life from the shattered remains of their town. But for some, the very air has become toxic. The people of Sycamore River have to survived the unthinkable. Can they build something new from the ashes? Llywelyn blends her signature character-driven portrait of small-town life with the appeal of William Fortschen’s One Second After.

April 20

image-37675The Last Watch by J. S. Dewes

The Divide. It’s the edge of the universe. Now it’s collapsing—and taking everyone and everything with it. The only ones who can stop it are the Sentinels—the recruits, exiles, and court-martialed dregs of the military. At the Divide, Adequin Rake commands the Argus. She has no resources, no comms—nothing, except for the soldiers that no one wanted. Her ace in the hole could be Cavalon Mercer–genius, asshole, and exiled prince who nuked his grandfather’s genetic facility for “reasons.” She knows they’re humanity’s last chance.

image-37934Fortress of Magi by Mirah Bolender

The Hive Mind has done the impossible—left its island prison. It’s a matter of time before Amicae falls, and Laura Kramer has very few resources left to prevent it. The council has tied her hands, and the gangs want her dead. Her only real choice is to walk away and leave the city to its fate.

April 27

The Beautiful Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

They are the Beautiful Ones, Loisail’s most notable socialites, and this spring is Nina’s chance to join their ranks, courtesy of her well-connected cousin and his calculating wife. But the Grand Season has just begun, and already Nina’s debut has gone disastrously awry. She has always struggled to control her telekinesis—neighbors call her the Witch of Oldhouse—and the haphazard manifestations of her powers make her the subject of malicious gossip. When entertainer Hector Auvray arrives to town, Nina is dazzled. A telekinetic like her, he has traveled the world performing his talents for admiring audiences. He sees Nina not as a witch, but ripe with potential to master her power under his tutelage.

May 4

Immunity Index by Sue Burke

In a US facing growing food shortages, stark inequality, and a growing fascist government, three perfectly normal young women are about to find out that they share a great deal in common. Their creator, the gifted geneticist Peng, made them that way—before such things were outlawed. Rumors of a virus make their way through an unprotected population on the verge of rebellion, only to have it turn deadly. As the women fight to stay alive and help, Peng races to find a cure—and the cover up behind the virus.

May 11

The House of Always by Jenn Lyons

In the aftermath of the Ritual of Night, everything has changed. The Eight Immortals have catastrophically failed to stop Kihrin’s enemies, who are moving forward with their plans to free Vol Karoth, the King of Demons. Kihrin has his own ideas about how to fight back, but even if he’s willing to sacrifice everything for victory, the cost may prove too high for his allies. Now they face a choice: can they save the world while saving Kihrin, too? Or will they be forced to watch as he becomes the very evil they have all sworn to destroy.

May 25

The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman

Kinch Na Shannack owes the Takers Guild a small fortune for his education as a thief, which includes (but is not limited to) lock-picking, knife-fighting, wall-scaling, fall-breaking, lie-weaving, trap-making, plus a few small magics. His debt has driven him to lie in wait by the old forest road, planning to rob the next traveler that crosses his path. But today, Kinch Na Shannack has picked the wrong mark. Galva is a knight, a survivor of the brutal goblin wars, and handmaiden of the goddess of death. She is searching for her queen, missing since a distant northern city fell to giants. Unsuccessful in his robbery and lucky to escape with his life, Kinch now finds his fate entangled with Galva’s.

June 1

The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu

Ropa dropped out of school to become a ghostalker – and they sure do love to talk. Now she speaks to Edinburgh’s dead, carrying messages to those they left behind. A girl’s gotta earn a living, and it seems harmless enough. Until, that is, the dead whisper that someone’s bewitching children – leaving them husks, empty of joy and strength. It’s on Ropa’s patch, so she feels honor-bound to investigate. Ropa will dice with death as she calls on Zimbabwean magic and Scottish pragmatism to hunt down clues. And although underground Edinburgh hides a wealth of dark secrets, she also discovers an occult library, a magical mentor and some unexpected allies. Yet as shadows lengthen, will the hunter become the hunted?

Alien Day by Rick Wilber

Will Peter Holman rescue his sister Kait, or will she be the one to rescue him? Will Chloe Cary revive her acting career with the help of the princeling Treble, or will the insurgents take both their lives? Will Whistle or Twoclicks wind up in charge of Earth, and how will the Mother, who runs all of S’hudon, choose between them? And the most important question of all: who are the Old Ones that left all that technology behind for the S’hudonni . . . and what if they come back?

June 8

Shadow & Claw by Gene Wolfe

The Book of the New Sun is unanimously acclaimed as Gene Wolfe’s most remarkable work, hailed as “a masterpiece of science fantasy comparable in importance to the major works of Tolkien and Lewis” by Publishers Weekly.


Excerpt: Breath by Breath by Morgan Llywelyn

amazons bns booksamillions ibooks2 71 indiebounds

Placeholder of  -67Breath by Breath is the explosive conclusion to the near-future, science fiction thriller trilogy Step by Step from the bestselling author Morgan Llywelyn and follows the events of Drop by Drop and Inch by Inch.

In Breath by Breath, book three in the trilogy, the residents of Sycamore River have weathered the Change and the nuclear war it provoked. They emerge to try to build a life from the shattered remains of their town.

But for some, the very air has become toxic.

The people of Sycamore River have to survived the unthinkable. Can they build something new from the ashes?

Llywelyn blends her signature character-driven portrait of small-town life with the appeal of William Fortschen’s One Second After.

Please enjoy this free excerpt of Breath by Breath by Morgan Llywelyn, on sale 04/13/21!


As the double doors slid open the people inside the barn waited, eager yet fearful to see what the daylight would reveal. They had spent months underground waiting for this moment. The fecund smell of the earth still coated the insides of their nostrils.

They hungrily gulped their first breaths from the outside world.

Hot summer air scorched their throats.

Bathed in buttery light, a hilly, sun-parched pasture sloped down toward a rambling white farmhouse built for a large family and encircled by a rail fence. Beside the front gate an unobtrusive sign identified the property as tilbury farm.

Close to the back of the house was a kitchen garden. Parallel rows of dry, cracked earth testified to the onions, carrots and lettuce, the tomatoes and cabbage and bush beans that once flourished there. Gone now; all that remained were a few dying weeds, the stubborn survivors of months without rain. At one end of the garden dead raspberry canes drooped from a wooden lattice. Beyond this was a small orchard of apple and pear trees, with a few brown leaves clinging to otherwise bare branches.

There was little sign of life. No birds were declaring their territory with song. The cacophony of insects that should accompany a summer morning in the country was curiously muted.

Edgar Tilbury shook his grizzled head. Guessing his age would be difficult; it might be anywhere between sixty and eighty. Below tangled eyebrows were sharp features and bright eyes that revealed a keen intelligence. “There you have it,” he growled in a voice like a rusty hinge. “My first wife and I planted that garden; I’ve tended it all these years since she died, though I never had her green thumb. It was that produce we lived on underground, but it looks like global warming’s finished it off now. If that wasn’t bad enough, the land may have taken a dose of radiation too. Damn all the megalomaniacs and their pissing contests. This time the whole world lost.”

A three-legged Rottweiler bumped its muzzle against his thigh, seeking attention. Edgar reached down to rumple the animal’s ears. “Don’t worry, Samson,” he told the dog. “You’re not to blame, humans cause all the trouble.”

“Amen to that,” agreed Jack Reece. A tall, lean man with dark hair and a hawkish nose, he possessed a sinewy strength. Smile lines bracketed his pale gray eyes but he was not smiling now. “We won’t know how bad things are until we do some investigating.”

“Can’t you feel it in your bones, Jack? I damn sure can. The war’s come and gone and we’re all that’s left. What’s happened to the birds and the butterflies? You can’t tell me another damned heat wave carried them off.”

A small blond woman laid a supplicating hand on Tilbury’s arm. “Edgar, you assured us there would be plenty of other survivors.”

“There will be, Nell.” He tried to sound more convinced than he felt. “Everybody’s not dead, we’ll find them soon enough. Or they’ll find us. It’s just that things seem dif­ferent now; even the light looks dif­ferent. Yellower; meaner.”

“Don’t let your imagination run away with you,” Jack said. “There’s been a drought, that’s all; there’s nothing mean about sunshine. Never bleed before you’re wounded, that’s my motto. C’mon, let’s see if there’s been any damage around here and look for something to eat. Tomorrow we can go to Sycamore River and find out what it’s like over there. It may not be as bad as we think.” He squared his shoulders and stepped into the sunlight. A dozen people, several dogs and a small troop of cats followed him.

They saw no visible danger.

The invisible threat was terrifying.

Edgar Tilbury’s wife used her forefinger to adjust the gold frames of her spectacles on the bridge of her nose. Before her marriage she had been Beatrice Fontaine, chief officer in the Sycamore and Staunton Mercantile Bank. An air of authority had been necessary for the job and the spectacles were part of that image, augmented by her silver hair and ramrod spine.

“You children stay in the barn until we decide it’s safe to come out,” she called over her shoulder.

A youthful protest—it might be either Flub or Dub, the twins’ voices were as identical as their faces—retorted, “We’re not kids, we’re breeding age!”

“Since when did pubescent mean breeding age?” Gerry Delmonico muttered to his wife.

Gloria looked up at him. “Philip and Daniel may be smartalecks, but they’ll do what they’re told. I don’t want to bring any of our family outside until we’re sure.” Since adopting the twins she had been trying without success to establish the use of their proper names. Even her husband resisted, though he adored his wife and gave way to her in most things.

After a decade of marriage the handsome black couple still held hands.

Walking behind them, Lila Ragland remarked to Shay Mulligan, “This must be what it was like to come off Noah’s Ark two by two.”

Shay, who had never outgrown the freckles that accompanied his red hair, said, “You suppose Noah had a doctor on board?”

“Not one as good as you.”

“I’m just a small town veterinarian. I hope I won’t have to take care of elephants and ostriches; we didn’t study exotics at the college I went to.”

“If any ‘exotics’ did survive there may be some strange mutations among them. They’d appear fairly soon too. Other animals have a shorter lifespan than we do.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“None of us know what we’re facing,” Lila responded. “We can’t even be sure we’ll survive today.”

Shay’s son, Evan, followed them from the barn. Taller than his father, he was a lithe young man with a mop of red-gold hair and gentle brown eyes. Before he stepped into the sunlight he glanced back, looking for Jessamyn Bennett.

He found her sitting cross-legged on a bale of straw amid a clutter of farm machinery. A willowy girl in faded blue jeans, with a cotton shirt knotted beneath her small breasts, Jess wore her curly hair pulled into a ponytail. While Evan watched, she wiped the perspiration from her forehead with the back of her wrist.

Just seeing her made Evan feel warm inside.

As far as he was concerned, there was no comparison between Jess and Lila Ragland. Lila was ancient by his standards, late thirties at least, with slanted green eyes and a heavy mane of auburn hair. Men like his father turned to look at her in the street but she did not appeal to Evan. When he dreamed it was always of Jess.

One of his favorite fantasies involved a picnic where they spread a blanket on the ground and she sat with his head pillowed in her lap, smiling fondly down at him while she stroked his hair.

In Evan’s dream two moons were in the sky above them, Phobos and Deimos; the moons that beamed down on Mars Settlement.

At the moment, Jess Bennett’s lap was occupied by a massive black cat named Karma. The cat had been a gift to Shay from Lila. The Bennett family’s Irish setters, Sheila and Shamrock—who was affectionately known as Rocky—lay at her feet, only pretending to be relaxed; they were keenly aware of the cat’s presence. The dogs had had no experience of cats until they had found themselves in an underground bomb shelter with Beatrice Fontaine’s seven felines. Their period of adjustment in the subterranean labyrinth Edgar called his “bolt-hole” had not been easy

Karma was well acquainted with dogs; Samson was an old friend from the time they had spent together in Shay’s vet clinic. The black cat was fearsomely armed with fang and claw. No mere canine could intimidate her, a fact she had amply demonstrated to the setters on more than one occasion. Jess had been given the job of keeping the potential combatants apart.

When she felt the weight of Evan’s gaze, the girl smoothed her hair with the palm of her hand.

Kirby, at nineteen the oldest of the Delmonicos’ four adopted sons, was the last to leave the barn. He also glanced back toward Jess, then hastily turned away. Those who had been with him in the shelter were used to his appearance, but he still tried to shield them from the sight of his disfigurement. Severe phosphorous burns had scarred the left half of his face and pulled that side of his mouth into a rictus grin. At the time of the accident he had raised his hands to protect his face, otherwise it might have been worse. But although he could use them, both hands were twisted into claws. His speech had been slightly affected by his injury, resulting in a faint sibilance when he was excited; another handicap he struggled to overcome.

There had been discussion of plastic surgery to repair the damage done when Robert Bennett’s factory exploded, but the onset of war had intervened.

Jess was the person whose opinion Kirby cared about most. He could never tell her that. In his heart he saw himself as a monster.

“You think it’d be okay to let the horses out to graze?” Evan was asking Edgar. “They’ve been living on dry straw for weeks and they’ve lost a lot of condition.”

“There’s not much nourishment left in that dead grass, but there could be some radiation. We’ll know soon. Those four horses are our only reliable transportation, we can’t afford to take chances with them.”

Evan was indignant. “I’d never take chances with Rocket!”

“You almost rode her to Nolan’s Falls and got caught up in the bombing,” Edgar reminded him. “Shay, you have that Geiger counter ready?”

“Right here.”

“Turn it on, then, You go down the left side of the hill and I’ll take the other side. Walk slow, do it like a grid. The rest of you hold back until we get to the bottom and have a definitive reading.” He turned a knob on his own counter.

The machine responded with the kind of faint, chitinous clicking that might come from an insect; an insect with a venomous bite.

“Does that mean . . .”

“It doesn’t mean anything, Nell, it’s natural background radiation. Long as it’s no louder than that we’re all right.”

“What if your counter’s wrong?”

“That’s why I have two counters, I’m a natural-born beltand-suspenders man. Both counters wouldn’t fail; in fact the signal’s fading now. Looks like it’ll be safe to use my house. If you want to, you’re all welcome to stay there until we find out what’s happened to your own homes. Bea and I will do our best to make you comfortable. After all those weeks underground you must be sick of living in tunnels.”

“At least it was cool down there,” said Nell. “I’ll always be grateful you shared the shelter with us; you saved our lives.”

Edgar gave a negligible shrug, as if it was nothing at all.

Like children following the Pied Piper, the little group picked its way down the slope of the hill. The footing was uncertain, hummocky in some places and rocky in others.

Gloria Delmonico paused to untie the laces of her sandals and remove them. Knotting the laces together, she hung them from the leather belt around her waist. “I love walking barefoot on the grass.”

“It’s safe enough,” Shay assured her. “I’m not getting a dangerous reading.”

“Watch where you’re walking, though,” Evan called. “There are a few dead birds lying on the ground, I almost stepped on one.”

“Today’s going to be another scorcher,” Gerry predicted as he rolled up his sleeves.

Nell agreed. “The air’s awfully heavy. I hate hot weather. Has it always been this hot in the summer?”

“Not always; according to the met office our weather’s been getting more extreme year by year,” said Gerry. “We’ve been having hotter summers, colder winters, more frequent storms and worse floods. Hurricane and tornado season start earlier too, and last longer . . . not to mention the increase in volcanic and seismic activity since the last century.”

“The air smells odd to me,” Lila remarked. “Not really clean . . . but sharp.”

Jack lifted a single eyebrow. “What did you expect?”

“After a nuclear war? Radioactive clouds, I suppose.”

Jack shook his head. “Nothing may be the way we thought it would be, we’ll have to take it as it comes. Keep your expectations low. We’re alive; everything else is a bonus.”

At the foot of the hill the two-storey farmhouse was waiting for them. Untouched by destruction, it still had walls to embrace a family and a roof to shelter them. Windows to let in the daylight; shutters to keep out the night.

A house designed for normal life in a normal world.


The word had a special meaning for every person in the group. Home might be a new house in a leafy suburb, with a bicycle lying beside the driveway, or the residence of grandparents in a long-established neighborhood, where a lawnmower awaited use on the weekends. It could summon a mental image of a modern apartment or an old-fashioned boarding house.

Home was where you could shut the door and leave the world outside.

The little group stood silent for a moment, as if in homage.

“Looks like there’s no harm done,” Edgar said with relief. “When I bought this place I got fifteen acres including the house and barn, and I’d damned sure hate to lose any of it. We may need this farm to support us for a while, so it’s a good thing we have the garden and a woodlot. Any of you know if we can restore the vegetable garden?”

Gerry said, “My wife can make anything grow, she even talks to her plants.”

Laughing, Gloria gave him a gentle punch on the arm. “I do not.”

But she did.

In keeping with rural custom the house faced the road to town, rather than the barn on the hill. The foundation was concealed by shrubbery wilting in the heat. A flat-roofed back porch shaded the kitchen door and the downstairs windows from the summer sun. The porch, which ran the width of the house, was furnished with an old rocking chair and an assortment of wicker armchairs.

Gerry bounded up the steps. “My grandmother used to have chairs just like these!”

Edgar stopped him with an upraised hand. “Don’t sit on one until I get a reading.”

“You have to measure everything first? I doubt if the . . .”

“We can’t be too careful, Gerry. Being bombarded by radioactive particles can break your DNA apart.”

“The war ended months ago.”

“That wouldn’t matter to residual radioactivity. And I don’t think you can say it ‘ended.’ Both sides agreed to an armistice, but that’s only another word for truce, not a binding declaration of peace. Words matter. Truce means ‘we’ll hold our fire until we have a better chance of winning.’ There was an armistice at the end of the First World War; the one they called ‘The War To End All Wars.’ It wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on, and neither is the current truce. The damage is ongoing because the half-life of . . .”

“Don’t give me a lecture on the effects of radiation, Edgar. We’ve had time to learn more about that than we ever wanted to know. We can’t do anything about the situation but adjust to it as best we can, and hope evolution will take care of future human generations, if any.”

“If any,” Edgar echoed. He did not sound hopeful.

One of the Irish setters scratched on the screen door, seeking admittance.

The screen door was not latched but the door behind it was closed. Jack jiggled the handle. “It’s not locked.”

“We never locked our doors,” said Edgar. “Never needed to, that’s one of the things Veronica and I liked about living out in the country.” He gave a deep sigh. “Come on in.”

Kirby said to Bea, “I heard him mention Veronica when we were in the shelter. Who was she?”

“She was his first wife; her name was Mary Veronica Tilbury but he just called her Veronica. She died a dozen years ago.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

“Edgar was too. He sold his engineering firm; it was almost like he gave up on life for a while.” Bea gave a tiny smile. “He’s better now, though.”

Veronica had been gone for a long time yet her touch remained; she had turned a large but basic farmhouse into an elegant rural retreat. The kitchen was fully equipped with urban conveniences but its waxed pine paneling evoked the countryside. A swinging door gave access to a formal dining room; beyond that was an inviting living room papered in a sophisticated blue-and-white-striped pattern. The soft furnishings were deeply upholstered in Williamsburg blue; the huge fireplace could have held a roast ox. The floor was carpeted wall to wall in pearl gray wool. From the raftered ceiling hung a perfectly scaled bronze and crystal chandelier. Empty bookshelves gave mute testimony to a large personal library that had been relocated elsewhere. A well-worn recliner upholstered in coppercolored velour stood beside a large floor lamp. In the center of the room was a low glass table with chairs on either side. The table held an assortment of dusty magazines ranging from Vogue and Architectural Digest to Engineering Today.

Edgar extended his Geiger counter and cocked his head while he listened. “It’s okay, safe enough. We could make this a staging area. What do you think, Jack?”

Edgar Tilbury was a generation older than Jack Reece, yet during their time in the bomb shelter the unsought mantle of leadership had settled on the younger man. In a crisis Jack was calm and steady, inclined to think before he acted. He was thorough about whatever he did. He never ignored a fact but simply filed it away—nothing was trivial. His memory was not photographic but it was inclusive, and his curiosity extended to a wide variety of subjects. “Jack of all trades, master of none,” was how his Aunt Bea described him; she did not necessarily mean it as a compliment. He was an adventurer by nature and his inability to settle down had been a sore point between them.

Before Nell.

Jack had enjoyed many women but never thought he was an emotional man. He could not explain his feelings for Nell. He only knew that her skin felt right and her hair smelled right; the sound of her voice resonated in his bones. When she touched him a spark leaped between them that he had never experienced before.

As a test for the limits of his courage, occasionally Jack tried to imagine what he would do if anything happened to Nell. He always lost his nerve at the last moment. Without her there would be, could be, nothing. He did not tell her this; his vulnerabilities he kept to himself.

Others saw only the image Jack chose to project: his public face. Thinking he understood the man, Edgar said of him, “Jack’s a natural leader, folks follow him the way metal filings gravitate to a magnet.”

“I agree about the staging area,” Jack told Edgar now. “We should start bringing things up from the shelter. One item we’re going to need right away is your industrial generator. The air’s cool enough down below, but in this weather we’ll be thankful for that big fridge-freezer in your kitchen.”

“What do we have that’s going to need chilling?”

My wife thinks candlelight’s more romantic anyway.

“Nothing right now, but we will,” Jack said. “We might even find a few vegetables hidden among the weeds in your garden. We’ll keep using our oil lamps so we can conserve fuel for the generator until we locate a source for more. And we have candles, there are boxes of them left.

“We’ll bring the candles along with anything else we might need right away. We’ll load up the horse-bus with enough for a couple of weeks; no more until we have a better idea of how things are. And be sure to check them with one of the Geiger counters before we carry them into the house. How many bedrooms do you have here, Edgar?”

“One downstairs and three upstairs, plus what we called ‘the spare room’ because we dumped everything into it. There’s a foldaway bed in the cedar closet on the landing too. We wanted to be prepared for guests but we didn’t encourage any; we were happy just being with each other. We can put pallets on the floor if need be; it’ll be a lot better than huddling underground, waiting for World War Three.”

They knew what it was like to wait for World War Three; to expect death to come winging toward you at any moment and know you were helpless. Ordinary, everyday life had once seemed like the norm. Circumstances had proved it was the brink of an abyss. A word, a smell, a casual reference were enough to bring the darkness flooding back.

A sudden thud overhead startled Nell. Invisible pins and needles pricked her skin. “Is someone else here, Edgar?”

“A ghost, maybe?” Kirby suggested

At his words Bea glimpsed a brief flicker of excitement in her husband’s eyes. She and Edgar had not been married long, but it was long enough for her to realize there were three in the marriage. Bea knew a woman in her sixties could never compete with a girl who had died at the height of her youth and beauty.

Veronica was a perfect butterfly held in the amber of Edgar Tilbury’s memory.

“I’ll go up and see what’s what.” Jack took the carpeted steps two at a time and disappeared beyond the turn of the landing. Edgar followed him. Samson started to go after them but changed his mind.

The Rottweiler sat down on his haunches at the foot of the stairs and whined.

Copyright © Morgan Llywelyn 2021

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A Fond Farewell—Series We’re Saying Goodbye to in 2020

A Fond Farewell—Series We’re Saying Goodbye to in 2020

Everything ends eventually, and that is (sadly) true for several Tor series in 2020. This year marks the conclusion of some of our flagship sagas, as well as one epic fantasy that we’re releasing in a four-month sprint (bingebingebinge)! So, if you want to make sure you’re all caught up, here’s a list of everything ending in 2020. But don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of new and ongoing series to take you well into 2020—and beyond!

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The Cerulean Queen– The Nine Realms Series – Sarah Kozloff 

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 The Shadow Commission – The Dark Arts Trilogy – David Mack

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Breath by Breath – Step by Step Series – Morgan Llywelyn 

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New Releases: 8/20

New Releases

Happy New Releases Day! Here’s what went on sale today.

Assassin’s Revenge by Ward Larsen

Poster Placeholder of - 64On a sunny dock in Gibraltar, Slaton returns to the sailboat he shares with his wife and young son to find them missing. The only clue to their whereabouts is a cryptic message: If he wants to see them again, he must eliminate an obscure scientist working for the International Atomic Energy Agency. Slaton races to Vienna to unravel the scheme.

Half a world away, a small team of ISIS operatives arrives in North Korea. It is comprised of two suicidal jihadists, one technician, and the caliphate’s only officer with naval experience. Their mission: to reestablish the group’s relevance by undertaking a shocking strike against America.

From Europe to North Korea to the Pacific Ocean, Slaton finds himself entangled in a deadly nuclear game. Working against him are a band of suicidal terrorists, supported by a North Korean government that is about to implode. That slate of actors, however, face something even more lethal.

A devoted father and husband—one who happens to be the perfect assassin.

Inch by Inch by Morgan Llywelyn

Place holder  of - 2In Inch by Inch, book two in the trilogy, the residents of Sycamore River have only just adjusted to the end of the Change. Until the morning people notice that metal starts to behave oddly.

It’s dissolving.

The world is pushed into global war, and a small band of Sycamore River survivors only have one another. They have to survive the unthinkable.

The Murder List by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Placeholder of  -3Law student Rachel North will tell you, without hesitation, what she knows to be true. She’s smart, she’s a hard worker, she does the right thing, she’s successfully married to a faithful and devoted husband, a lion of Boston’s defense bar, and her internship with the Boston DA’s office is her ticket to a successful future.

Problem is–she’s wrong.

And in this cat and mouse game–the battle for justice becomes a battle for survival.

The Murder List is a new standalone suspense novel in the tradition of Lisa Scottoline and B. A. Paris from award-winning author and reporter Hank Phillippi Ryan.

Turning Darkness Into Light by Marie Brennan

Image Placeholder of - 1As the renowned granddaughter of Isabella Camherst (Lady Trent, of the riveting and daring Draconic adventure memoirs) Audrey Camherst has always known she, too, would want to make her scholarly mark upon a chosen field of study.

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New Releases: 7/9

New Releases

Happy New Releases Day! Here’s what went on sale today.

Heartwood Box by Ann Aguirre

Placeholder of  -50When Araceli Flores Harper is sent to stay with her great-aunt Ottilie in her ramshackle Victorian home, the plan is simple. She’ll buckle down and get ready for college. Life won’t be exciting, but she’ll cope, right?

Wrong. From the start, things are very, very wrong. Her great-aunt still leaves food for the husband who went missing twenty years ago, and local businesses are plastered with MISSING posters. There are unexplained lights in the woods and a mysterious lab just beyond the city limits that the locals don’t talk about. Ever. When she starts receiving mysterious letters that seem to be coming from the past, she suspects someone of pranking her or trying to drive her out of her mind.

To solve these riddles and bring the lost home again, Araceli must delve into a truly diabolical conspiracy, but some secrets fight to stay buried…

Null Set by S. L. Huang

Image Placeholder of - 13Math-genius mercenary Cas Russell has decided to Fight Crime(tm). After all, with her extraordinary mathematical ability, she can neuter bombs or out-shoot an army. And the recent outbreak of violence in the world’s cities is Cas’s fault—she’s the one who crushed the organization of telepaths keeping the world’s worst offenders under control.

But Cas’s own power also has a history, one she can’t remember—or control. One that’s creeping into her mind and fracturing her sanity…just when she’s gotten herself on the hit list of every crime lord on the West Coast. And her best, only, sociopathic friend. Cas won’t be able to save the world. She might not even be able to save herself.

The Sum of All Shadows by Eric Van Lustbader

Image Place holder  of - 46The Final Battle is here.

For millennia, Lucifer—the Sum of All Shadows—has been rebuilding his influence. At long last, he is ready to enact his ultimate revenge against Heaven. To do that, he must first annihilate the world and its inhabitants.

Standing in his way is one extraordinary family: the Shaws.

To save the world, Bravo and Emma Shaw have recovered the lost Testament, battled across continents, and fought adversaries both powerful and terrifying. But nothing that has come before can prepare them for the Final Battle. As predicted centuries ago, the End Times has arrived. Lucifer, heading an infernal army, means to destroy the Shaws once and for all. Now, racing to find the lost treasure of King Solomon’s alchemical gold, Bravo and Emma must put their trust in strangers in strange lands.

But even if they are successful, their lives may still be forfeit…

The Toll by Cherie Priest

Place holder  of - 69Take a road trip into a Southern gothic horror novel.

Titus and Melanie Bell are on their honeymoon and have reservations in the Okefenokee Swamp cabins for a canoeing trip. But shortly before they reach their destination, the road narrows into a rickety bridge with old stone pilings, with room for only one car.

Much later, Titus wakes up lying in the middle of the road, no bridge in sight. Melanie is missing. When he calls the police, they tell him there is no such bridge on Route 177 . . .


Drop by Drop by Morgan Llywelyn

Poster Placeholder of - 57In this first book in the Step By Step trilogy, global catastrophe occurs as all plastic mysteriously liquefies. All the small components making many technologies possible—navigation systems, communications, medical equipment—fail.

In Sycamore River, citizens find their lives disrupted as everything they’ve depended on melts around them, with sometimes fatal results. All they can rely upon is themselves.

And this is only the beginning . . .


$2.99 Ebook Deal: Drop by Drop by Morgan Llywelyn

Poster Placeholder of - 62The ebook edition of Drop by Drop by Morgan Llywelyn is on sale now for only $2.99! This offer will only last for a limited time, so order your copy today!

About The Fourth Horseman: 

In this first book in the Step By Step trilogy, global catastrophe occurs as all plastic mysteriously liquefies. All the small components making many technologies possible—navigation systems, communications, medical equipment—fail.

In Sycamore River, citizens find their lives disrupted as everything they’ve depended on melts around them, with sometimes fatal results. All they can rely upon is themselves.

And this is only the beginning . . .

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This sale ends May 1.

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