
Blood Sucking Lawyers (For Real)

Blood Sucking Lawyers (For Real)

This Case is Gonna Kill Me Phillipa Bornikova

Written by Phillipa Bornikova

This month the first volume in my urban fantasy series, This Case is Gonna Kill Me, is going to land. Because of my training and background as a lawyer, I chose to set the action in an up-scale vampire-run law firm in New York. It’s an ideal setting to use to begin exploring questions about how the levers of power would be affected if vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures were actually in the world.

To further complicate power dynamics, I decided that there would be no female supernaturals. For reasons that go to the main plot—and I won’t get into here—it’s punishable by death for a vampire or a werewolf to turn a woman into one of their kind.

While the idea started as a plot device, I quickly realized that it allowed me to also explore issues of gender politics in workplaces, and differences in how men and women access power. I practiced law for about three years, and I was considered an oddity. Male lawyers literally came in from other firms to look at me, but that was some time ago, and I hope things have changed. There are a lot more women lawyers now.

After I walked away from the practice of law I began writing books, and then Hollywood called. I have written for both television and feature films. Despite Hollywood’s so-called liberal slant the town is not that open to allowing women access to positions of power. Female writers tended to end up on “soft” shows like Dr. Quinn or Touched By An Angel.

During my time in L.A., both when I was being tagged as a potential creator of television shows, and when I was a show runner, I learned that many of the decisions that affect what ends up on TV were being made at a very famous Tuesday night poker game. Players included some of the top network executives and show runners in the industry. Needless to say, there were no girls invited into that exclusive club.

Deals also got made and information exchanged in exclusive foursomes on golf courses scattered around the town. When I asked about getting into one of these I was told by a writer/producer friend— “Hey, that would be great, you can hook up with the girls,” suggesting that I play a round with the wives of the executives and producers. I’m sure these were lovely and talented women, but I needed to be where conversations about the industry were taking place.

While I was certainly literalizing the metaphor when it came to blood-sucking lawyers, I was also using a dramatic device to highlight how women can be subtly closed out of the top tiers of power. It’s no longer as bald and naked as hearing it openly said, “But women can’t be doctors, lawyers, astronauts, and so on,” but an air of “no girls in the club house” still permeates the workplace. It’s more insidious and harder to combat, but it still exists. By personifying these tendencies in mythological creatures, I could bring them to the fore in a more graceful way. And of course my heroine has the power to kick down the doors and upset the status quo. Not just because she has a plot device power but because she’s a very smart, very savvy attorney who can hold her own against the big boys.


From the Tor/Forge September newsletter. Sign up to receive our newsletter via email.


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Starred Review: In a Fix by Linda Grimes

Tor/Forge Blog

Image Place holder  of - 25“Urban fantasy and paranormal novels crowd the shelves these days, so this reviewer is impressed by debut author Grimes’s fresh take on the genre.”

In a Fix, by Linda Grimes, gets a starred review in Library Journal!

Here’s the full review, from the August issue:

starred-review-gif Ciel Halligan is an aura adaptor, a human imitator, and there are many like her out there. The trait lends itself well to careers in covert operations, but becoming a spook doesn’t sit well with the macho males in her family. So Ciel runs a business impersonating clients, giving them a way out of sticky situations they’d rather not deal with personally. When her current client’s fiancé is kidnapped by neo-Vikings, Ciel finds herself caught between two men who play havoc with her emotions. When the case heats up, so does the attraction she feels for both of them. Can Ciel convince them she’s adult enough to play in their game, and will she survive to see where the fates will lead her heart?

VERDICT Urban fantasy and paranormal novels crowd the shelves these days, so this reviewer is impressed by debut author Grimes’s fresh take on the genre. Fans of both hard and soft fantasy and crime drama will love her protagonist’s spunky, irreverent attitude as well as Grimes’s character-building skills and unusual storyline.   —Debbie Haupt, St. Charles City/Cty P.L., MO

In a Fix will be published on September 4th.


Book Trailer: In a Fix by Linda Grimes

Tor/Forge Blog


In a Fix by Linda Grimes

Snagging a marriage proposal for her client while on an all-expenses-paid vacation should be a simple job for Ciel Halligan, aura adaptor extraordinaire. A kind of human chameleon, she’s able to take on her clients’ appearances and slip seamlessly into their lives, solving any sticky problems they don’t want to deal with themselves. No fuss, no muss. Big paycheck.

This particular assignment is pretty enjoyable…that is, until Ciel’s island resort bungalow is blown to smithereens and her client’s about-to-be-fiancé is snatched by modern-day Vikings. For some reason, Ciel begins to suspect that getting the ring is going to be a tad more difficult than originally anticipated.

Going from romance to rescue requires some serious gear-shifting, as well as a little backup. Her best friend, Billy, and Mark, the CIA agent she’s been crushing on for years—both skilled adaptors—step in to help, but their priority is, annoyingly, keeping her safe. Before long, Ciel is dedicating more energy to escaping their watchful eyes than she is to saving her client’s intended.

Suddenly, facing down a horde of Vikings feels like the least of her problems.

In a Fix, by Linda Grimes, releases September 4th!

April #TorChat Lineup Revealed

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This month, #TorChat is celebrating the start of warmer weather by talking about a hot genre: urban fantasy! Joining us on April 18th from 4 to 5 PM EST are Suzanne Johnson, Deborah Coates, and A. M. Dellamonica, to talk about urban fantasy, magic, and some kick-butt heroines!

Tor Books (@torbooks) is thrilled to announce the April #TorChat, part of a monthly series of genre-themed, hour-long chats created by Tor Books and hosted on Twitter.

Spring is well and truly here as we get into April! The days are getting warmer, and the books are getting hotter. To celebrate, we’re talking with three amazing authors about the urban fantasy genre and the amazing heroines that populate their worlds. Our special guests this month are Suzanne Johnson (@suzanne_johnson), the debut author of Royal Street, about a junior wizard sentinel in a New Orleans recently devastated by Hurricane Katrina; Deborah Coates (@debcoates), the debut author of Wide Open, about an army veteran who comes home from Afghanistan for her sister’s funeral, and is greeted at the airport by her sister’s ghost; and A. M. Dellamonica (@alyxdellamonica), the author of Blue Magic, a powerful story of private lives changed by earthshaking events and magic. These incredible rising stars of the urban fantasy world will discuss their books, magic, and the popularity of the urban fantasy genre.

The chat will be loosely moderated by Tor/Forge Digital Marketing Manager Cassandra Ammerman (@leanoir), and fans are invited to follow or join in using the Twitter hashtag #TorChat!

About the Authors

  • Suzanne Johnson (@suzanne_johnson) is a magazine editor and feature writer with more than fifty national writing and editing awards. A longtime New Orleans resident, she helped rebuild for two years after Hurricane Katrina. She now lives in Alabama. Royal Street, published April 10th, is her first novel.
  • Deborah Coates (@debcoates) lives in Iowa and works for Iowa State University. Her short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s and Strange Horizons, as well as Year’s Best Fantasy 6, Best Paranormal Romance, and Best American Fantasy. Wide Open, which published in March, is her first novel.
  • A. M. Dellamonica (@alyxdellamonica) is the author of Indigo Springs, which won the Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. Her short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Realms of Fantasy, Sci-Fiction and Strange Horizons, and in numerous anthologies; her 2005 alternate-history Joan of Arc story, “A Key to the Illuminated Heretic,” was short-listed for the Sideways Award and the Nebula Award. Blue Magic is her latest novel, published on April 10th. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

About #Torchat
#TorChat is a genre-themed, hour-long chat series created by Tor Books and hosted on Twitter. Guest authors join fans in lively, informative and entertaining discussions of all that’s hot in genre fiction, 140 characters at a time, from 4 – 5 PM EST on the third Wednesday of every month. Each #TorChat revolves around a different genre topic of interest, often of a timely nature, and strives to provide a new media opportunity for readers to connect with their favorite authors.

About Tor Books
Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, is a New York-based publisher of hardcover and softcover books. Founded in 1980, Tor annually publishes what is arguably the largest and most diverse line of science fiction and fantasy ever produced by a single English-language publisher. In 2002, Tor launched Starscape, an imprint dedicated to publishing quality science fiction and fantasy for young readers, including books by critically acclaimed and award winning authors such as Cory Doctorow, Orson Scott Card, and David Lubar. Between an extensive hardcover and trade-softcover line, an Orb backlist program, and a stronghold in mass-market paperbacks, books from Tor have won every major award in the SF and fantasy fields, and has been named Best Publisher 24 years in a row in the Locus Poll, the largest consumer poll in SF.

June #TorChat Sweepstakes

Did you participate in today’s #TorChat?  We hope you enjoyed it and look forward to your participation in next month’s chat on July 22nd.

In the meantime, there are a number of books for you to start reading from our fabulous special guests and for a limited time we are offering you the chance to win one or more of the following titles through the Goodreads First Reads program.  And if you’re going to RWA this year, enjoy the event! Several of our authors and editors will be in attendance – more details to come.
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And again we’d like to thank Gabi Stevens, Catherine Verge (1/2 of the writing team behind Taylor Keating) and Lilith Saintcrow for joining on Twitter today.

Keep your eye on our Facebook and Twitter where we will announce next month’s theme and our special guest. We’ll see you all next month!

More giveaways:

June #Torchat lineup revealed!

In honor of RWA this month, Tor Books is proud to present a paranormal romance and urban fantasy themed chat, featuring authors Gabi Stevens, Catherine Verge, and Lilith SaintCrow, this Wednesday, 6/15, from 4 PM – 5 PM (EST)!

Tor Books is excited to announce the lineup for June’s #Torchat, part of a monthly series of genre-themed, hour-long chats created by Tor Books and hosted on Twitter, to take place on Wednesday at 4 PM EST.

At the end of June, the Romance Writers of America will have their annual convention for readers and writers. This year, the convention is in New York, and Tor Books is proud to be a Gold Level sponsor. In honor of this fabulous convention and its attendees, the #torchat this month will be paranormal romance and urban fantasy themed, with three guest authors in those genres. Teacher and writer Gabi Stevens (@GabiStevens), author of a paranormal romance series about fairy godmothers (The Wish List and As You Wish); Catherine Verge (@1TaylorKeating), one half the writing team that makes up Taylor Keating, author of Game Over and Mind Games; and Lilith Saintcrow (@lilithsaintcrow), the author of many urban fantasy and romance titles, including the short story “Monsters” in the Chicks Kick Butt anthology, will talk romance, urban fantasy, and their favorite powerful heroines.

The chat will be introduced and (loosely) moderated by Tor publicist Cassandra Ammerman (@leanoir), and fans are invited to follow or join in using the Twitter hashtag #torchat.

About the Authors

Image Placeholder of - 40Gabi Stevens (@GabiStevens) lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her engineer husband, three daughters, and two dogs. When she’s not writing, Gabi teaches eighth grade gifted language arts and literature, plays volleyball, and enjoys games. Her latest novel is As You Wish, the second in the Time of Change trilogy, about fairy godmothers. She is committed to donating 10% of her royalties from that title to the charity organization Best Buddies, a group dedicated to breaking down the barriers society sees between “normal” people and people with developmental disabilities.

Poster Placeholder of - 47Catherine Verge (@1TaylorKeating) is a multi-published author in the romance genre under another pen name. She is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. Catherine can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love. Catherine lives in Canada, and her latest book (with co-author Paula Fox) is Mind Games, the second in a trilogy.

Place holder  of - 93Lilith Saintcrow (@lilithsaintcrow) was born in New Mexico, bounced around the world as an Air Force brat, and fell in love with writing when she was ten years old. Lili lives in Vancouver, WA with her children, a houseful of cats, and assorted other strays. She is the author of numerous series, including the Jill Kismet series, the sixth and final volume of which will release in Fall 2011. She has also recently written a paranormal romance novel for Harlequin, called Taken, and contributed the short story “Monsters” to the Chicks Kick Butt anthology, published earlier this month.

About #Torchat

#Torchat is a genre-themed, hour-long chat series created by Tor Books and hosted on Twitter. Guest authors join fans in lively, informative and entertaining discussions of all that’s hot in genre fiction, 140 characters at a time, from 4 – 5 PM EST on the third Wednesday of every month. Each #Torchat revolves around a different genre topic of interest, often of a timely nature, and strives to provide a new media opportunity for readers to connect with their favourite authors.

About Tor Books

Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, is a New York-based publisher of hardcover and softcover books, founded in 1980 and committed (although not limited) to SF and fantasy literature. In 2002, Tor launched Starscape, an imprint dedicated to publishing quality science fiction and fantasy for young readers, including books by critically acclaimed and award winning authors such as Cory Doctorow, Orson Scott Card, and David Lubar. Between an extensive hardcover and trade-softcover line, an Orb backlist program, and a stronghold in mass-market paperback, Tor annually publishes what is arguably the largest and most diverse line of science fiction and fantasy ever produced by a single English-language publisher. Books from Tor have won every major award in the SF and fantasy fields, and for the last twenty-three years the company has been named Best Publisher in the Locus Poll, the largest consumer poll in SF.

To interact with other fans of urban fantasy and paranormal romance, be sure to stop by and Heroes & Heartbreakers for the latest and greatest in your favorite genres.

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