
The Return of the Reluctant Hero by Kent Lester

The Third InstinctA high-octane thriller that sets Dan Clifford against ancient secret societies vying for power in the modern world; in the vein of Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series.

In The Third Instinct, author Kent Lester brings his signature blend of cutting-edge science, history, and pulse-pounding action to the next Dan Clifford adventure.

Read below to see Kent’s take on what it means to write about heroes with flaws—ones grounded in reality and who are easy to relate to.

By Kent Lester:

What type of fiction?  Over the top, or realistic?  That is a question most authors ask themselves before starting a new thriller series.  There is a place for both writing styles, but my favorite is “near science fiction,” a fantasy world realistic enough to imagine happening in the near future.

When an author chooses a fictional writing style, nothing anchors the story in reality or sends it into the realm of fantasy more effectively than the choice of hero.  Is the hero an ordinary guy or a superhero? The trend lately has been toward superheroes, characters occupying a fantastical setting that barely resembles the “real world.” This trend has probably been influenced by the rise in cinematic special effects and the popularity of the comic book universe.  In high concept movies, heroes are often gifted with incredible abilities, over-the-top talents, and often, the power to alter reality itself.

Think Superman or Wonder Woman.  The antics of superheroes can often stretch credulity, but their superhuman abilities do make for impressive cinematic special effects, spectacular visual imagery, and lots of action.  Sure, all those special effects and superhuman feats can stretch the imagination, but often at the cost of empathy and identification with the hero.  And naturally, superheroes beget super villains, and soon the entire story premise becomes an overwrought graphic novel.  Movies with an excess of special effects encourage passive viewing and a bored audience.  With little emotional involvement in the characters, a flashy story is easily forgotten.

The most enduring movies are ones with a realistic premise and flawed, reluctant heroes.  Think John McClain in Die Hard or Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

In literary storytelling, the choice of hero is even more critical.  I’ve always considered books to be a far more active endeavor than movies, so much so, that I often remind my fellow writers that their novels are a shared experience. Every fictional story is a partnership between two imaginations: the author’s and the reader’s.  Unlike movies with their fully formed scenes, words on a page cry out for interpretation and embellishment. The reader becomes the author’s writing accomplice, filling in the missing details that inevitably hide between the words on the page.  This probably explains how two readers can often interpret a single story so differently, because their individual viewpoints influence the perceived events.

To fully embrace the importance of a story’s hero, we should reexamine the purpose of storytelling in the first place. Ever since the first adventures were breathlessly whispered around a campfire, humans have been drawn to stories.  One reason is to feel in control of a world filled with random threats and challenges.  Our imaginations are always in control, free to craft the outcome however we wish. We can also learn lessons from others’ mistakes. Stories also allow us to empathize with the feelings of others, to walk in their shoes and experience the story through their eyes.  Most importantly, stories allow us to work through our own personal problems and fears in the relative safety of a story’s fictional universe.

That’s why I prefer my heroes to be grounded in reality, because it makes it easier to imagine myself walking around in their shoes. In the so-called “real world,” heroes are seldom born; they are made by the necessity and demands of the situation.

In my latest thriller, The Third Instinct, Dan Clifford is the consummate reluctant hero. (as are most real-world heroes)  Dan just wants to return to normalcy after the Covid pandemic and share his ordinary life with his adrenaline-junkie girlfriend, Rachel Sullivan.  Unfortunately for Dan, and thankfully for the reader, the real world has a different scenario in mind for Dan’s future.  Circumstances will demand that Dan overcome a set of challenges two thousand years in the making. As he determines the truth in a pack of lies, he will discover the hero within himself through incredible hardships.

It is my hope that readers will be able to identify with Dan’s vision, and in doing so, imagine an adventure through their own unique viewpoints. To me, the best fiction inspires us to think about issues in the real world, and our own roles within it.  If, however, you just want a good beach read or a mindless adventure, don’t worry.  The Third Instinct has plenty of literary special effects and superhuman challenges to keep your imagination occupied.  Enjoy!

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Excerpt Reveal: The Third Instinct by Kent Lester

The Third InstinctA high-octane thriller that sets Dan Clifford against ancient secret societies vying for power in the modern world; in the vein of Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series.

In The Third Instinct, author Kent Lester brings his signature blend of cutting-edge science, history, and pulse-pounding action to the next Dan Clifford adventure.

A shadowy group of bio-hackers called the Firemen threaten to worsen the Covid pandemic by releasing an even more lethal version of the pathogen. But what drives the Firemen and how do their motivations relate to the wealth of the Roman Empire and to the third basic human instinct?

The answers may lie with prediction scientist Dan Clifford. Unemployed and struggling with two years of pandemic isolation, he is rebuilding both his career and personal life. His plans to propose to his adrenaline-junkie girlfriend, Rachel Sullivan, are interrupted by the FBI. Dan must connect a maze of clues from the shadowy underworld of Savannah’s hacker community, to the ancient powerbrokers of Rome and in doing so, uncover a hidden agenda of big Pharma and a two-thousand-year-old battle for control of public opinion.

The Third Instinct will be available on December 6th, 2022. Please enjoy the following excerpt!


From his vantage point behind a hedgerow of azaleas, Victor Moody peered out across a large expanse of freshly mowed lawn, the dew shimmering on the grass in the moonlight. The security door was on the side of the building standing silent and exposed, bathed in a pool of light, its security pad beckoning him forward like an actor to a stage.

Victor struggled to focus, the incessant drone of crickets roaring in his ears, driving him mad. He was still coming down from his last five Xanax, the dullness receding into the background as a fresh surge of adrenaline crawled its way up the base of his spine toward his brain like an insect skittering over raw synapses.

He jerked spasmodically, neurons firing in a rush.

Breaking out of the Xanax haze left him raw and jittery but his mind needed to be perfectly alert, hyperaware for this next task. His muscles seized again and he rubbed his shoulders for relief, noting the crisp sound of his Tyvek jumpsuit sliding against bare skin. The crickets grew louder, threatening to shatter his control, barely balancing on a knife’s edge.

The quicker this ended, the sooner he could seek relief in a bottle of pills. Victor struggled to stop the trembling of his fingers, studying the smooth flesh of the featureless digits. No fake nails today, no danger of leaving behind an errant forensic clue. He rubbed his hands together vigorously, struggling to coax the circulation back into them. After another quick scan of the area, he unzipped the overalls and slipped out, naked save for a thin jockstrap. Then, padding silently across the lawn, he reached the door, taking care to avoid both security cameras along the way.

He hesitated. It took several glances at the numbers scrawled across the back of his hand to get the security code right but his efforts were soon rewarded by a satisfying click. Entering quickly, he left the door slightly ajar and the alarm system off. Inside the high-tech building, security cameras scanned the interior in a slow predictable pattern, which he had memorized. He counted out the cadence, waiting for the nearest camera to reach its zenith.

Then, Victor Moody began a long and graceful dance down the hallway, pausing, leaping, and scurrying with purpose at precisely timed intervals. His senses were hyperaware, his eyes dilated to the point where every shadow seemed vibrant and liquid.

He knelt at one intersection, counted out the cadence, turned right, and raced down the hall, past another intersection, then knelt for a brief moment. One final lunge placed him at the second security door.

The camera behind him began its lazy pirouette back in his direction. There was only time to punch in three numbers before leaping back against the opposite wall for another three seconds, then forward again for the final three numbers.

Another satisfying click echoed through his skull.

He slipped inside the inner sanctum, taped the door latch flush, and eased the door shut. He knew from previous visits that there were no cameras in this high-security area—too much to hide. Comfortable for the first time, Victor moved boldly and quickly. It took only a few minutes to find the precious vial.

A sudden spasm dislodged the glass container from his hand and he watched as it tumbled end over end in slow motion toward the floor. A movement quicker than his mind could register found his hand underneath the vial, an inch from the floor.

Victor sighed heavily and struggled to calm himself. He could not risk another unexpected spasm, so he wrapped the cold vial in gauze and stuffed it into his jockstrap. Even with the insulation, it was like walking around with a chunk of dry ice in his groin. Wasting no time, he returned to the laboratory door and counted the cadence.

The dance began again.


Five minutes later, he reached the exterior and raced across the damp grass to the bushes, heart pounding against his chest, nerves screaming under his skin, as if they would explode from his pores at any moment.

Once behind the cover of azaleas, Victor placed the sample, still icy cold, into a vacuum bottle, slipped back into his overalls, and raced back to his car, a scant flush of relief soothing his ragged nerves.

Once in the car, he greedily gulped down five Xanax and tried to catch his breath. He’d made it through the gauntlet of cameras. There would be no trace, no DNA, no fibers, no body hair.

No fingerprints.

A perfect heist, by a ghost.

It better pay off, he vowed to himself.

Cranking the car, Victor Moody backed out from behind the hedgerow and sped off into the languid Savannah night.

Click below to pre-order your copy of The Third Instinct, coming December 6th, 2022!

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New Releases: 2/27/18

Happy New Release Day! Here’s what went on sale today.

To Catch a Killer by Sheryl Scarborough

Placeholder of  -13 Erin Blake has one of those names. A name that, like Natalee Holloway or Elizabeth Smart, is inextricably linked to a grisly crime. As a toddler, Erin survived for three days alongside the corpse of her murdered mother, and the case—which remains unsolved—fascinated a nation. Her father’s identity unknown, Erin was taken in by her mother’s best friend and has become a relatively normal teen in spite of the looming questions about her past.

Image Placeholder of - 61To Right the Wrongs by Sheryl Scarborough

Barely three weeks after catching the killer of Erin’s mother and their biology teacher, Erin and her crew are back, up to their elbows in forensics projects. But this time it’s with the full approval of their parents.

With Uncle Victor at the helm, Erin and her best friends, Spam and Lysa, are prepping a new classroom for CSI summer camp, where they will serve as camp counselors. Meanwhile, Erin’s super-hot new boyfriend, Journey, is graduating, just in time for him to take a position as Victor’s intern in the new CSI lab on campus. Journey and Victor are going to take another look at the evidence in the murder trial that sent Journey’s father to prison. The girls are under strict orders not to meddle with the murder case, but that’s easier said than done…


Starfire: Memory’s Blade by Spencer Ellsworth

Image Place holder  of - 29 At the heart of the Dark Zone, a duel for the universe rages.

In an ancient Jorian temple, Jaqi faces John Starfire, the new ruler of the Empire. He has set all the worlds aflame in his quest to destroy humankind. Jaqi has sworn to stop him. Problem is, Jaqi isn’t much of a fighter.

Meanwhile, the sun-eating cosmic spiders, the Shir, have moved out of the Dark Zone and are consuming the galaxy. Araskar knows that he must hold them back, but to do that, he has to give himself over to the Resistance, under the command of John Starfire’s wife. And she wants him dead more than she wants the stars to live.

If Jaqi and Araskar can fight their way out, they can use a secret at the heart of the Dark Zone to free the galaxy, and end John Starfire’s new tyranny. They lose, and every star in the sky will go dark.


Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection by Brandon Sanderson

The Branch and the Scaffold and Billy Gashade by Loren D. Estleman

Margaret Truman’s Allied in Danger by Margaret Truman and Donald Bain

The Seventh Sun by Kent Lester

Tower Down by David Hagberg


The Ancient Magus’ Bride Vol. 8 Story and art by Kore Yamazaki

Don’t Meddle With My Daughter Vol. 3 Story and art by Nozomu Tamaki

Freezing Vol. 19-20 Story by Dall-Young Lim; Art by Kwang-Hyun Kim

Unmagical Girl Vol. 2 Story by Ryuichi Yokoyama; Art by Manmaru Kamitsuki


New Releases: 4/25/17

Here’s what went on sale today!

Fallout by Wil Mara

Image Placeholder of - 38 Silver Lake, Pennsylvania, is hit by a monster storm. When a massive lightning strike hits one of the nuclear reactors that provides power to Silver Lake and much of the state, essential components fail. Explosions and containment breaches follow. Radiation pours into the storm-wracked air.

Nuclear disaster, not in far-off Chernobyl or Fukushima, but on American soil. How much of Pennsylvania will become a radioactive nightmare for generations to come?

The Librarians and the Mother Goose Chase by Greg Cox

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In 1719, Elizabeth Goose published a collection of rhyming spells as a children’s book, creating a spellbook of terrifying power. The Librarian of that age managed to dispose of all copies of the book except one, which remained in the possession of Elizabeth Goose and her family, temporarily averting any potential disaster.

Now, strange things are happening around the world.

The Seventh Sun by Kent Lester

Placeholder of  -32 A seemingly random murder alerts scientist Dan Clifford to a global conspiracy that stretches from the halls of Washington to the Honduran coast. Illegal, undersea activities have unwittingly uncovered a primordial secret that is wreaking havoc on aquatic life and the local human population.

When the CDC and the full resources of a U.S. “threat interdiction” team fails to uncover the source of the devastation, Dan and a brilliant marine biologist, Rachel Sullivan, must race to unravel an unimaginable, ancient mystery in the murky depths. It’s up to them to stop this terror before a determined multi-national corporation triggers a worldwide extinction event, the Seventh Sun of ancient myth.

Skullsworn by Brian Staveley

Image Place holder  of - 19 Pyrre Lakatur is not, to her mind, an assassin, not a murderer—she is a priestess. At least, she will be once she passes her final trial.

Pyrre isn’t sure she’s ever been in love. And if she fails to find someone who can draw such passion from her, or fails to kill that someone, her order will give her to their god, the God of Death. Pyrre’s not afraid to die, but she hates to fail, and so, as her trial is set to begin, she returns to the city of her birth in the hope of finding love . . . and ending it on the edge of her sword.

Walkaway by Cory Doctorow

Poster Placeholder of - 45 Now that anyone can design and print the basic necessities of life—food, clothing, shelter—from a computer, there seems to be little reason to toil within the system.

It’s still a dangerous world out there, the empty lands wrecked by climate change, dead cities hollowed out by industrial flight, shadows hiding predators animal and human alike. Still, when the initial pioneer walkaways flourish, more people join them. Then the walkaways discover the one thing the ultra-rich have never been able to buy: how to beat death. Now it’s war – a war that will turn the world upside down.

Within the Sanctuary of Wings by Marie Brennan

After nearly five decades (and, indeed, the same number of volumes), one might think they were well-acquainted with the Lady Isabella Trent–dragon naturalist, scandalous explorer, and perhaps as infamous for her company and feats of daring as she is famous for her discoveries and additions to the scientific field.

This concluding volume will finally reveal the truths behind her most notorious adventure–scaling the tallest peak in the world, buried behind the territory of Scirland’s enemies–and what she discovered there, within the Sanctuary of Wings.


Buffalo Soldier by Maurice Broaddus

Having stumbled onto a plot within his homeland of Jamaica, former espionage agent, Desmond Coke, finds himself caught between warring religious and political factions, all vying for control of a mysterious boy named Lij Tafari.

Wanting the boy to have a chance to live a free life, Desmond assumes responsibility for him and they flee. But a dogged enemy agent remains ever on their heels, desperate to obtain the secrets held within Lij for her employer alone.


Devils and Realist Vol. 12 Story by Madoka Takadono; Art by Utako Yukihiro

D-Frag! Vol. 11 Story and Art by Tomoya Haruno

Dragonar Academy Vol. 11 Story by Shiki Mizuchi; Art by Ran

Magical Girl Apocalypse Vol. 11 Story and art by Kentaro Sato

Monster Musume Vol. 11 Story and art by OKAYADO

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Vol. 5 Story by Rifujin na Magonote; Art by Yuka Fujikawa

My Monster Secret Vol. 6 Story and art by Eiji Masuda


Excerpt: The Seventh Sun by Kent Lester

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In a breathtaking debut, Kent Lester has married fast-paced narrative and cutting-edge, reality-based science to produce an edge-of-the-seat thriller in The Seventh Sun.

A seemingly random murder alerts scientist Dan Clifford to a global conspiracy that stretches from the halls of Washington to the Honduran coast. Illegal, undersea activities have unwittingly uncovered a primordial secret that is wreaking havoc on aquatic life and the local human population.

When the CDC and the full resources of a U.S. “threat interdiction” team fails to uncover the source of the devastation, Dan and a brilliant marine biologist, Rachel Sullivan, must race to unravel an unimaginable, ancient mystery in the murky depths. It’s up to them to stop this terror before a determined multi-national corporation triggers a worldwide extinction event, the Seventh Sun of ancient myth.

The Seventh Sun will become available April 18th. Please enjoy this excerpt.


CARL JAMESON’S GEOLOGY career took a sudden turn when the unimaginable knocked at his door: an event as unlikely as a snowflake in summer.

It seemed an apt analogy for the moment, Carl thought, as he sat sweltering in the languid heat of his cubicle, stuffed into a dusty corner of the Central American Core Repository. He had arrived at the sleepy fishing village of La Ceiba, Honduras, two months earlier to complete research on his doctoral thesis. The slow pace of Latin American life and the friendliness of the locals provided him a respite from the hectic inner-city life of Columbia University. But one thing he could never get used to was the heat, the oppressive heat that sucked the energy from his bones. Carl leaned forward to harvest a meager stream of air flowing from an old oscillating fan he’d purchased at the local market. It provided scant relief for his racing heart.

When he first arrived at the core repository, Carl could have scarcely imagined the bizarre twist that would upend all of his research into mass extinction events. His meticulous studies of ocean sediments would need to be updated, along with his thesis title: “Mass Extinction: Sedimentary Evidence of Comet Impact at the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary.”

It was a huge adjustment, but Carl didn’t mind. His implausible discovery offered him an opportunity of a lifetime. That’s what made science so compelling, he decided: the occasional surprise that turned scientific convention on its head.

Carl checked his antique pocket watch. Time to get moving. Exiting the cubicle, Carl entered the building’s long central hallway, his footsteps reverberating in the cavernous enclosure. The structure was old, constructed in the late fifties, and large, over a football field in length, having been expanded numerous times. Dust motes danced in shafts of light streaming from windows set high on the crumbling brick walls. Their beams illuminated row upon row of metal tubes stacked on tall shelves, like the scrolls of a primordial library.

The Central American Core Repository contained the largest collection of sedimentary drilling cores in Latin America, an archive of geological history created and maintained by several mining conglomerates. For the most part, the cores languished in obscurity, their secrets mute and unappreciated. In fact, during the entire two-month span of his research grant, Carl Jameson had not seen a single other visiting scientist or surveyor.

He knew the reason for the lack of interest: to a mining company, these archived cores were symbols of failure. The drilling of an exploratory sediment core was the mining equivalent of a stab in the dark, a pinprick through the skin of Mother Earth, made in hopes of finding a vein of mineral wealth. Any promising core samples would never make their way into the repository. They would be far too valuable and would be whisked away to another location … like the shiny new laboratory next door, for instance.

Someone had found something of extreme value, Carl concluded, judging from the frenzied activity taking place just a few steps away from his current location. He wanted to learn more, but … first things first.

As he ambled along, Carl extended his hand, letting it hover inches above one shelf, like a ship floating through time. It sailed past the geological periods—Quaternary, Neogene, Paleogene …

By row’s end, he’d journeyed back sixty million years into the past, an eyeblink in geological time. Carl turned right and headed toward the age of the dinosaurs, the focus of his research.

The scientific debate on mass extinctions had raged for years. During the Earth’s four-billion-year history, five mass extinction events had ravaged the planet’s species, none more famous than the last: the extinction of the dinosaurs. Every scientific discipline had its own pet theory for the cause.

The biologists focused on pandemics and evolutionary pressure. The meteorologists believed in climate change. The astrophysicists proposed an invisible sister-star to the sun called “Nemesis” that supposedly disrupted the solar system every 26 million years or so. Paleogeologists preferred volcanism at the Deccan Traps in India. There was even an extinction theory based on dark matter.

Carl had always believed in the most obvious and simple theory: meteor impacts.

Occam’s razor.

His research had seemed to bear that out … until a week ago. That’s when extinction “theory” became something else entirely.

Carl stopped suddenly at a familiar berth.

For two months, he had been studying the sediment cores surrounding the “KT boundary” between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, where the last evidence of the dinosaurs could be found. Each core was like a chapter of geological history, its individual sediment layers like pages from the book of life. They had always told a familiar story, until …


Carl’s eyes locked on a microscope slide tray that had been placed on a narrow clearing on one of the shelves. He needed one last look. His hand trembling slightly, Carl removed a gossamer-thin slice of stone from its holder and placed it into the microscope.

The chance of spotting such a miniscule detail was one in a trillion, he thought, staring at the tiny smattering of colors. Fossilized minerals that had long since replaced the original material sparkled like jewels from an age long departed.

The sight sent a shiver down his spine. It felt as if he had torn the veil from a sacred act, entombed in a wash of sediment, like two mating flies trapped in amber. This tiny discovery, as big as the Earth itself, would rewrite the history books on mass extinctions and surely earn him a Nobel Prize.

After getting his fill, Carl placed the slide back into its plastic sleeve and slipped it into his pocket, patting it gently. Keep the Nobel close. No one here would miss it, or understand its significance.

Carl checked his watch again. It was time to get into position for his second task of the day. For weeks, he’d been watching the heightened security, the strange equipment, the jealously guarded core samples ushered into a lab constructed on a new wing of the decrepit old warehouse. One day, during a core delivery, Carl had noticed the GPS coordinates scribbled on the side of one of the drilling tubes. Their origin piqued his curiosity, drilled only a few hundred miles from the location of his discovery.

In a few days, he’d be meeting up with Rachel Sullivan in La Ceiba for their reunion. Sharing his Nobel-worthy discovery with her would be epic. In all likelihood, she would be shocked, but pleased. Carl felt a tinge of pride at the prospect of showing off his latest achievement.

But, if he could find out the secret to the new mystery cores delivered next door, he could sweeten the pot even more at their reunion.

Two for the price of one.

His next move would be particularly bold, or foolish, depending on how you looked at it. He would be trespassing in a secured area. The slight risk seemed worth it. Besides, what could they do about it now? His residency was almost over. This was his last chance to satisfy his curiosity. Just a quick glance for a minute or two—easy peasy.

Carl knew the guards’ routine and delivery schedule. Toiling under the weight of the cores, they had formed the habit of propping the security door open with an old trash can. With proper timing, Carl could slip inside, take a quick look around, and be out before anyone noticed. He moved to position himself behind a nearby shelf and waited.

Within minutes, the guards arrived, lugging their first load of drill tubes. The lead guard swiped his security card and the team entered the high-security area. A few minutes later, they reappeared and headed for another load, leaving the door ajar in predictable fashion. At the sound of the far exit door slamming shut, Carl made his move.

Slipping through the unsecured door, he found himself standing in the center of an inner foyer. Straight ahead, a vinyl-strip curtain door formed a rudimentary airlock between the foyer and the main lab. To his right, a circular staircase spiraled up into darkness. Treading softly, he eased up the metal stairs to a small observation room that overlooked the lab below.

This was going to be easier than he thought.

Carl backed into the shadows and studied the room below. At first, it looked like any other assay lab: microscopes along one wall; a large table half-filled with exposed cores, pushed out of their containers like Popsicles from their wrappers. The lab had even been equipped with a gas chromatograph and spectroscope. No expense had been spared.

But the far wall perplexed him: it was housing a row of stainless steel fermenting tanks like those found in any microbrewery. Titration racks, a vented hood, incubation chamber, genetic sequencing machine, and stacks of agar plates—items more at home in a biology classroom than a geological assay lab. What is going on here?

Biology was not Carl’s strong suit, but Rachel could probably explain what he was seeing. He reached for his cell phone to take a picture, and cursed. He’d left it back in his cubicle. He’d just have to note every detail so he could share the information later.

The security team reappeared with their second delivery. Carl watched as two lab technicians, dressed in rubber aprons and full-face visors, joined the guards, helping to extract the new cores, which contained a mixture of crystalline rock and mud.

Their job done, the security team said their goodbyes. The two lab techs moved deliberately, one switching off the bright overhead lights and the other activating a bank of UV black lights.

Bathed in the lamp’s purple glow, the sample cores suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree, their crystalline minerals fluorescing under the energy of ultraviolet radiation. Using the glowing minerals as a guide, the technicians extracted a collection of slices, placing them into assaying trays. When they were done, the overheads were flipped back on, illuminating a ruin of mud and rock littered across the table.

One lab tech carried the assay trays to the microscopes. The other technician moved to the nearest fermentation tank and opened the hatch, releasing a cloud of steam. Then, he dumped the core remnants from the table into the fermenter and shut the lid.

The unfamiliar procedure left Carl completely baffled. Core samples were like divining rods. Their mineral values would be tested, quantified, and charted on a map. By following the gradients of higher mineral concentrations, mining operations could zero in on the most promising claims. Core samples were always archived for further testing. They were never destroyed.

Now, more curious than ever, he scrutinized the lab techs as they turned their attention to the assay trays: making microslices, collecting small quantities of material for spectrographic analysis, studying the slices under the microscope.

He stood there watching for an hour, mesmerized, until another unimaginable event caught his attention.

The hatch on the nearest fermenter began to change color—to an unnaturally bright color. A deep-Prussian-blue foam began to ooze out around the hatch’s seal. It grew into a great steaming mound that advanced down the front side of the fermentation tank with a bubbling ferocity that could be heard from his perch in the observation room.

The lab workers turned and stared, frozen. One worker finally leapt up and rushed toward the fermenter’s controls. His forward motion carried him past his destination as the slick foam betrayed his purchase. He landed on his backside with a loud splat.

A guttural gasp exploded from his mouth as he seemed to launch himself up from the floor. He writhed and contorted as the blue ooze sloughed off his back, along with large patches of lab coat and skin. A mist of white smoke streamed from the raw flesh as his cries morphed into a gurgling whimper.

The second worker slammed his hand onto a large red button, shattering the silence with a chorus of sirens. Seconds later, both men were contorting in agony. White foam spewed from their mouths, mixing with the cerulean mass that inched its way across the room.

Frozen in place, Carl Jameson was unsure what to do next, until the faint aroma of burnt almonds reached his nostrils and shocked him into action.

Hydrogen cyanide.

He bounded down the stairs three steps at a time, falling the last four feet onto the floor. Underneath the vinyl curtain, he could see blue foam advancing toward him. He jumped up and punched through the security door into the stillness of the warehouse.

The distant clamor of footsteps prompted him to turn down the left hallway toward the exit. He shot around the corner at the far end and collided with a wall of flesh, stinking of sweat and booze. A large, dark object descended from above, landing with a brilliant burst of pain.


CARL PRESSED HIS hands against the iron deck and felt the shudder of a ship’s engine.

His mind was still swimming as he fingered a large welt behind his ear. A wave of dizziness flowed over him as he struggled to his feet, hands probing the darkness. His fingers found a dangling chain and pulled. The world turned white as a swinging bulb threw shadows across a cramped room containing a door, porthole, and stained toilet.

The stench of rust and urine assaulted his nostrils, churned his stomach. He leaned over the toilet and tore open the porthole, thrusting his face into the narrow opening to drink in gulps of humid night air.

Far in the distance, the lights of La Ceiba flickered on a long, dark jut of Honduran coastline. Above, the moon hung low and oval, firing the crests of ocean swells. It was a scene he had experienced a thousand times before as a geology undergraduate, from the decks of arctic cruisers and sloops whispering through Caribbean foam. The sea had always been as reassuring to him as a familiar mural, its nuances fresh with each viewing.

But now, the waters grew dark and malevolent. With each passing moment, the shoreline receded, and with it, his chance for survival. They had imprisoned him on this puke-stained ship for a reason. He had seen too much.

Carl strained to reassemble the past few hours. How long had he been out? Dim visions of bright-colored foam, smoking flesh, horrific screams, and dark shapes played across his mind. With sudden desperation, he groped in his pocket for the precious slide, the ticket to his Nobel prize.

Pulling the plastic holder from his pocket, Carl stared down at … sand. The thin shard of stone had returned to the dust of the Earth.

Self-revulsion shuddered through his frame as he slumped to the toilet. This should have been a day to celebrate, but instead he’d destroyed his Nobel with a foolish act of bravado. He felt sick, the nausea worsening as he relived the horrific tragedy in the lab.

Two for the price of one.

Carl sat there, hump shouldered, for several minutes, thinking. Both tragedies seemed to converge into a single thread of thought. Slowly, deliberately, the divergent threads began to weave a tapestry in his mind, connecting the past to the present. He thought about the location of the closely guarded core samples and his shattered Nobel. A coincidence? Surely, it couldn’t still be there, could it? After seventy million years?

Revulsion gave way to an elemental fear.

The tapestry in his mind’s eye held the vision of a monstrous certainty. His own well-being seemed to fade into insignificance. He had to warn someone … everyone.

Reaching inside his other pocket, Carl pulled out his antique pocket watch and popped open the ornate cover. 9:13 P.M. Judging from the cargo crowding the ship’s deck, they were headed to deep water. He didn’t have much time.

He scrutinized the room. Behind the toilet, a plunger rested in a pool of fetid water. Above it, a rickety bookshelf held a stack of pornographic magazines and a tattered Bible. He jerked at the locked door repeatedly, to no avail. The porthole was far too small to wriggle through, the walls, solid steel.

No way out, nothing to write with, no way to leave a message.

The finality of his plight began to sink in. Carl dropped his head and stared down at the image on his T-shirt. He experienced a flash of inspiration and began ripping at the shirt’s fibers, trying to tear away a vital portion of the shirt’s image. Initially, the tear followed the weave of the cotton. He cursed through several attempts and finally raised the shirt to his mouth to gnaw out the requisite shape.

Then he pulled the old Bible from the room’s shelf and flipped through the pages. The text was in Spanish, making it difficult to find the correct passage. After several minutes of searching, he tore out the bottom half of one page and folded it neatly several times. Opening a secret compartment in his watch, Carl removed the portrait inside and replaced it with the packet, pausing to stare at the woman in the photograph. She stared back with a radiant smile, as if to comfort him. His eyes filled as he said softly, “Looks like you won the bet.”


The first two were conciliatory, the third deeper and more commanding. Snapping the watch shut, Carl ripped it from the chain and stuffed it under the tongue of his sneaker.

Keys rattled.

He tore the handle from the plunger, stood, and braced himself. There would only be one chance. If he could force them away from the door, make a mad dash … the feral sea would swallow him up. A long swim to shore, certainly, but he could make it.

The door swung open and his heart sank. A familiar hulk of a man filled the opening. Leaning over to fit his enormous bulk inside, the man grabbed Carl’s shirt and jerked him through the doorway.

“Hold him down!” he barked to the other men.

Sí, Capitán!

An instant later, Carl found himself sprawled facedown across the deck, his arms drawn painfully behind his back. A pair of hands rifled through his pockets as bindings tightened around both wrists. He squirmed frantically and twisted his face toward the huge figure. “Listen, for God’s sake, don’t do this! You don’t know what you’re doing!”

The captain leaned in, his breath thick with tequila. Dark eyes studied him from deep recesses. “You should have kept your nose out of our business, gringo.”

“I won’t tell anyone, I swear!”

The captain flashed a row of grimy teeth. “Sí, you won’t.”

Carl racked his brain for something to say, something that could describe the gravity of the situation. But how could he explain the history of the Earth in a few sentences? Straining closer, he hissed into the captain’s ear.

“If you kill me—you kill us all.”

The finality of the words caught the large man by surprise and the captain backed away nervously, a hint of doubt clouding his face. Carl felt a stab of hope as the captain wavered at the edge of indecision.

Finally, he straightened. “Finish him.”

Something hard and cylindrical jammed against Carl’s back. The men lashed it tightly and dragged him across the deck like a sack. He was hoisted to the gunwale. One heave, a cooling breeze, then a hard slap. The chaos at the water’s surface soon dissolved into a dark stillness.

Carl jerked against the bindings, shreds of skin peeling away from the jute ropes. Neither hand budged. Water raced past. With two loud pops, both eardrums ruptured in an explosion of pain and dizziness. A faint metallic flavor washed over his tongue. His heart heaved against a chest cavity collapsing from the pressure. The urge to breathe welled up from his gut with a sudden vengeance. Carl struggled again, more feebly this time, but the knots were tied with a sailor’s skill and only grew tighter.

Suddenly, a wall of cool water enveloped him. Unable to hold out any longer, Carl Jameson relaxed and let the salty liquid rush in.…

There was a loud ringing, and then—nothing.

A curious barracuda swam by, paused momentarily, then darted off into the void.

Copyright © 2017 by Kent Lester

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